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Welcome to the Digital Portfolio of Amber M Hargreaves (BA hons).
Please use the navigator bar to the left and the links featured on certain pages to browse through my work.
If you have any comments, suggestions or enquiries please e-mail me at:

This section includes artwork that has been achieved using my home computer as a creative tool.
It is divided into three sub-sections: Animations, Manipulations and Miscellaneous.

Animations includes all the animated GIFs used in the ARGH Productions Website, a fully animated version of my personal logo used on the index page and details of the animated gargoyle featured at the beginning of this website. Please note that due to the size of some of these images this page can take a while to load.

The Manipulations sub-section covers all manipulated photographical images and morphs. Once again this section can take a while to load so please be patient.

All other computer created or graphical images not suitable to the other sub-sections are covered under the Miscellaneous heading. This includes 2D logos, skins and renderred 3D models.