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As I sit here, thinking.. wondering, about what this reality is, it's purpose.. the way we interact with it, I wonder more and more. In the beginnings of our lives, we are young.. innocent, and free of cares or the worries of "grown-up" life. Everything we see is new, fresh, imprinting on our minds then and ever after. We dream of becoming a policeman, or maybe a doctor.. a ballerina or anything our minds can conjure up for us. Hope is unparalled, dreams flow freely and there isn't a person on Earth who can tell us why we can't do anything.

And yet, I now sit in the beginning of my "adult" life, looking.. searching for answers I'm not even sure I'll ever find. And why? It is because somewhere.. down the line.. when I grew up.. someone clipped the wings that let me soar through the clouds and forget all the "real responsibilities I have". At some point, I was taught the meaning of science.. disbelief.. and anything that would destroy the very things that a child holds so dear.. their dreams.

We can look around.. see inside a person's body and explain why it works, and how matter can be neither created, nor destroyed. We see a burst of light in the sky, disassembling it to a flurry of chemical compounds, being ionized by the flame. Too much have we learned, that we can look upon anything and not see it's wonder.. it's beauty. We have forgotten how to believe.. or perhaps, we have simply forgotten how to dream of something greater.

Although I have looked on much in my life.. I take this quote, from a book in a game.. that banality, the thing that destroys our dreams and lets us take all wonderment from life away. "...Banality prompts a jaded parent to destroy a child's belief in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. It forces a talented student to lay aside his dreams of becoming a great writer or musician in favor of joining the work force because his advisors counsel him to make "realistic" decisions about his future."

It is this, that I wish to plead to all of you.. this horrible banality that would take away hope, and wonderment.. for you to fight with all your soul. Each of us, has our dreams.. and no matter how unrealistic they may seem, they can become reality. If only in our sleeping beds.. for a fleeting moment.. that we experience this culmination of human spirit. It cannot be lost, fought or disbelieved.

If you help someone who is 6, 16, 36, 56, or 86.. to remember the boy on the hillside who held a wooden sword playing pirate games.. or the little girl, spinning in her living room with a makeshift tutu, you have done them more good than you or they can ever know.

Please.. friends.. strangers.. anyone who reads these words. Do not let yourself or anyone ever give up their dreams. To let them go is to let go one of the most unique, and precious gifts of humankind.

Dare to dream. And live every day as if it were your last.. because one day, it will be.

Another soul, hoping to help others to remember their spirit,

Kevin Takeda
Ontario, Canada


Please, do not feel compelled to spread these words. If you believe I am a dreamer, with my head in the clouds, delete this without a second thought. If you pass these words along, it is just as good to me.

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