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AD&D log from Jan. 22, 2000

DM: dungeon master....the guy running the game
Thanatos: specialised envoker
Kestre|: wizard
Dirk_Fireston: halfling thief
Yasmine: bard
Klaivius_Silversmoke: cleric

*Note: Anything in brackets () is out of character text

{Thatanos} I ask the bartender how much a good draught of ale costs
{DM`} {tender} 2 cp (copper pieces)
{DM`} Would you like one.
{Thatanos} yes, for the day is young, and my throat is parched
* DM` the bar tender serves Jeff a glass of ale.
* DM` the Town Ranger walks in.
* Dirk_Fireston walks to the bar..
{Thatanos} I promptly pay for the ale
{Dirk_Fireston} I`ll have the same.
{Dirk_Fireston} I pay....
{DM`} {ranger} So I here you found a under ground layer of elves. I suggest you take care of any loose ends quickly.
{Thatanos} Elves?
{DM`} {ranger} Yes you's mentioned Drow being down there.
{Thatanos} I'm sorry, I can't remember much other that a damned Frog...
* Kestre| laughs at that comment
{Thatanos} I glare accusingly at Kestrel
* Kestre| looks all innocent
{Kestre|} Didn't say a word....
* Thatanos knows how to..
* DM` {ranger}I suggest you all leave soon
* Kestre| looks at the ranger
{Kestre|} Whatever for?
{Dirk_Fireston} to where?
* DM` {ranger} They could cause a threat to our town
* DM` {ranger} Anywhere , as long as you leave now.
{Thatanos} How do you propose we deal with it?
{Dirk_Fireston} I suggest we continue our quest to the tower of high sorcery. and meet mr Pyrex.
{DM`} {ranger} You should take the same trail you marked.
{Kestre|} Guys! He wants us to go back to that...thing we found with the drows and the winding halls and stuff
{Thatanos} I think that is as good as any option
* Kestre| nods in approval to Than
{Kestre|} see?
{Dirk_Fireston} ok then it's settled
* Thatanos , in an incredible lapse in character, sticks his tongue out at Kestrel
{Thatanos} see?
{Dirk_Fireston} ok....
{Thatanos} Shall we leave?
* Kestre| nods
{Dirk_Fireston} yes
{Kestre|} I guess
* DM` you all leave the town by the elevator. you then begin to follow the marked trees you left trough the forest.
{Dirk_Fireston} alright...
{Yasmine} ....k
* Dirk_Fireston picks up a "walkin` stick"
* Kestre| walks with her staff in hand...occasionally chucking pieces of her old one at the halfling
* Yasmine just follows
* Dirk_Fireston dodges them with ease...
* Thatanos walks on, unpertrubed by the in fighting
{Dirk_Fireston} (carrying on...)
* DM` you foollow your trail all the way to the tree. I seems to be an pening to a cave.
* Thatanos walking and scanning the surroundings
{Kestre|} This seems to be fermiliar
* Kestre| smirks
{Yasmine} cool
* Dirk_Fireston asks Kestrel "Want to be the cavalier?"
{DM`} (entering?)
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} Shall we?
{Thatanos} I propose we enter the orifice of darkness.
{Kestre|} When you grow to six feet, I'll be the cavalier
* Dirk_Fireston lights a torch..
* Kestre| lights a torch as well
* Kestre| goes ahead
{Dirk_Fireston} I`ll take the rear.
* Thatanos follows closly behind
* Yasmine follows behind trailing slightly
* DM` a room with a spiral staircase going downwards
{Thatanos} Where to Kes?
* Kestre| scans the floor, just making sure this is where we've been before...she spots the old gotchies
{Thatanos} I can't see in the dark, where's the torch
* Kestre| points forward
{Kestre|} We go that way
{Thatanos} Who lit one?
{Kestre|} Here take my torch
{Thatanos} The halfling can carry it
{Kestre|} He already has one
{Dirk_Fireston} and a bigger one then you. (to Than)
* DM` as you descend the spiral staircase you enter a large cave with a medium size pit in the center. You see suspended from the roof 12 giant bats.
* Dirk_Fireston puts out torch and uses infravision.
* Yasmine looks around the area with a quizzical expression
{Kestre|} Now those, I don't remember
* DM` the rest of the party can no longer see.
{Kestre|} (I still have my torch!)
{DM`} (Sorry)
{Dirk_Fireston} (is there a door in sight?)
* DM` you see a corridor farther through the room.
{Thatanos} lead us onward, hafling
{Yasmine} ...what he said
{Kestre|} along the walls...
{Dirk_Fireston} I`m in the rear!!!
* DM` You all slowly sneek along the walls and you reach the corridor.
* Dirk_Fireston draws a dagger.
* DM` Klaivius drops one of his pouches as he reaches the end of the pit.
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} Damn
{Dirk_Fireston} (dex check to catch)
* DM` good thing he only had a couple of gp (5 gp) in that pouch.
* Yasmine smirks
* DM` It falls all the way down the pit.
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} No! That was for the church!!
* Yasmine arches a brow
* Kestre| chuckles
{Kestre|} You'll get more later
{Thatanos} Fret not, dear priest, for it is only small change
* DM` following through the dungeon you pass an open room with three pillars; Each has intracate etchings of Earth elementals upon them.
* Dirk_Fireston looks closer.
{Kestre|} I think....this is where we killed that golem..
{Dirk_Fireston} yes.. I remember all too well...
{DM`} (no)
{Dirk_Fireston} the fight...
{Dirk_Fireston} anyways come on...
* DM` you take a few minutes to examine the pillar and they seem quite old.
{Yasmine} Interesting...
{DM`} (continuing...)
{Dirk_Fireston} ok....
{Thatanos} very well... a stone pillar...
* DM` you continue into a large room where is found a large pile of rubble and four pillars.
* Klaivius_Silversmoke takes his Maul off his back and walks along with it in his hands
* DM` the rubbles seems to be the remains of a golem.
{Kestre|} ....or mebbe this is where we got the golem....
* Kestre| arches a brow
{Dirk_Fireston} (any doors?)
* DM` you see a open door farther down the room.
* Dirk_Fireston walks towars it...
* DM` you all go through the hall and follow your previous route.
{Yasmine} This seems vaguely familiar
{Kestre|} yeh...
{Dirk_Fireston} (...)
{Kestre|} I just don't want to see that bloody bouncing door again
* Yasmine chuckles
* DM` you come up to again a small opening with three halls. One to the right, left and strait.
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} Bouncing door?
{Dirk_Fireston} ahhh!!!!
* Dirk_Fireston gets into the fetal position...
{Thatanos} what is the meaning of this Dirk?
{Kestre|} Lets stay right this time.
* Kestre| nudges the thief
{Dirk_Fireston} ahhh!!!!
{Kestre|} Get up, Dirk
{Kestre|} I won't shoot you. I promise.
* Dirk_Fireston gets up
* Dirk_Fireston shivers a little...
* Klaivius_Silversmoke laughts
{Dirk_Fireston} ( continuing...)
* Yasmine ponders
* DM` with Dirk back to what is considered normal, you continue to the right and reach a clsed door.
* Dirk_Fireston draws a dagger
* Dirk_Fireston checks for traps...
* Thatanos looks anoyingly at Yasmine wondering what the *&%@ she's thinking about
* Yasmine glares at Thatanos
* Kestre| backs away from the door slightly
* DM` Dirk find no traps around the door
{Dirk_Fireston} draw the bow and you won`t ever move!!! (adrenaline..)
* Dirk_Fireston opens the door.
* Dirk_Fireston backs up.
* Kestre| smirks and peers through the door from where she's standing
* Thatanos positions himself at a good vantage point
* DM` You see a domeish cave of a room with a treasure chest made of wood in the middle.
{Kestre|} This can't be as easy as it looks
* Dirk_Fireston checks the chest...
{Yasmine} It usualy never is...
{Dirk_Fireston} dibs if I open it.
{Kestre|} I hope you are eaten by a slug
{Thatanos} your bains on the ceiling, Dirk
{Dirk_Fireston} I`m gonna save you.
* Kestre| moves into the room, staying by the doorway
* Thatanos prods the chest while Dirk opens it
{Dirk_Fireston} "trust me" with a hint of sarcasm
* DM` the chest opens and lashes out at the theif. Bites him for 4 D.
{Dirk_Fireston} shit.
* Klaivius_Silversmoke slowly walks into the room
{Dirk_Fireston} what`s inside...
{Kestre|} hate to say I told you so....but
{Kestre|} heh
{Thatanos} mimic
* DM` It hangs on his hand rigourusly
* Yasmine smirks
{Dirk_Fireston} NO bows!!!
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} She told you so
* Kestre| draws her bow
{Thatanos} use your dagger Dirk!
* Dirk_Fireston throws daggers to cut holding part..
* Kestre| grins nastily
{Kestre|} (throws?)
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} I can't do nothing with it on your hand
* DM` you slash it
{Dirk_Fireston} (I mean uses... sorry)
{Thatanos} no, saw with it, you nincomepoop
* Kestre| puts her bow away, she was just doing that to be contrary
{Kestre|} Just don't kick it!
* Yasmine just stands there and watches.
{Dirk_Fireston} (magic missile)
* Dirk_Fireston is frantically hitting the creature`s "tentacle"
* Kestre| moves so that the thief isn't in the way and casts magic missile
* Thatanos waits and watches helplessly, having only blunt weapons
{Kestre|} (on the mimic....)
{Dirk_Fireston} save me!!!
* DM` the chest still is lached onto Dirk's arm. Two green missiles fly twards the creature and blow up along it rear.
{Dirk_Fireston} remember the Butcher?? you owe me Thatanos.
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} Get it of your arm you kwig!
{Thatanos} Magic missile won't do anything you need a slashing force!
{Dirk_Fireston} it`s stuck.
{Kestre|} What about a worked last time
{Kestre|} Bard!
{Dirk_Fireston} NO!!!!
{Yasmine} yeah?
* DM` Dirk suffers an other 6 D from the chest.
{Kestre|} You have a sword! Actually you have two!
{Kestre|} USE THEM!
{Dirk_Fireston} (Kes grab my short sword on my left and stab it from behind...)
* Yasmine uses her sword on the mimic
{Kestre|} (I can't use swords)
* Klaivius_Silversmoke uses his Maul on the chest
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} Sorry if i hurt you man
* Dirk_Fireston stabbed at the chest...
* DM` Klaivus strikes the chest smashing into it.
* Kestre| aims at the back of the chest, along the joint and takes a shot at it with her bow
* Thatanos approaches the chest ant strikes it with his staff
* DM` Kest misses her shot as the arrow HITS THE DIRT
* Kestre| curses
{Dirk_Fireston} Put The FUCKING bow DOWN!
{Kestre|} I'll strangle you with it later...
* DM` Thanatos strikes the chest.
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} is the chest still moving?
* DM` Diirk receives 2 D agian from the chest.
{Dirk_Fireston} (12 hp left!)
* Klaivius_Silversmoke is gonna try to strike the chest again
* Yasmine takes her sword and slashes at the chest
* Thatanos prepares to strike again with quarterstaff
* DM` Klaivius woofs a nice one over the chest.
* Dirk_Fireston hit the chest with dagger...
* Kestre| moves forward to strike the chest with her quarterstaff
* DM` Thatanos woofs as well
{DM`} me Kestrel smacks the chest as her staff goes through the chest.
{Kestre|} (through?)
{Dirk_Fireston} (am I free?)
* DM` the chest know sits on the floor in two peices. Dirk's hand is covered in slime and he holds a key.
* Kestre| cheers
{Kestre|} Hah!
{Yasmine} eww
{Kestre|} Hmmm...a key..
* Thatanos shakes his head.
* Dirk_Fireston puts key in pouch.
{Kestre|} I hate mimics...
* Klaivius_Silversmoke does a prayer to Lothander (Cure light wounds->Dirk)
* DM` Dirk regains 6 hp.
{Dirk_Fireston} ( go on...)
{Kestre|} (other doors?)
* DM` you see no other doors in this room.
{Dirk_Fireston} where to?
{Kestre|} Check for hidden doors...
* Dirk_Fireston searches the room..
* DM` after five minutes of searching you find nothing. xept dirt
{Kestre|} ok we go back to the fork in the road
{Yasmine} ok
* DM` you now can go left right or strait or back to the same room
{Dirk_Fireston} left!
{Kestre|} that's the way out!
{Dirk_Fireston} strait!
{DM`} (you remember that thats the way to the bouncing door)
{Kestre|} I say right
{Dirk_Fireston} RIGHT!
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} MAKE UP YOUR MIND!
{Dirk_Fireston} R...
{Dirk_Fireston} (ok...)
{DM`} (Well?)
* Kestre| goes right...
{Kestre|} (she has the torch)
* Dirk_Fireston follows...
* DM` you begin to go right and you reach a wooden door which bound by steel bars.
* Dirk_Fireston checks for traps...
* Kestre| bounds back from the door out of reflex
* DM` Dirk finds no traps.
* Dirk_Fireston opens door and hides behind Kestre|
* DM` you see a large cell of steel bars. Behind are three dwarves with thick beards and in leather armor.
* Kestre| goes into the room
* Klaivius_Silversmoke walks in
* Yasmine follows, sword ready in her hands
* Dirk_Fireston follows with a dagger...
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} Dirk, get these fellows out of there
{DM`} Help us, please.
{Dirk_Fireston} ok.
{Kestre|} Who put you in here?
* Dirk_Fireston goes to open cell.
{DM`} Thanks.
* DM` the cell door seems to be locked with an iron lock.
* Dirk_Fireston uses key.
{DM`} It's locked
* Dirk_Fireston uses key...
* DM` the lock is undone and Dirk opens the door.
{Dirk_Fireston} thank you (do get extra xp?)
* Yasmine sighs
{Kestre|} I repeat; who put you in here?
{DM`} Thank you so much. We"re going to leave sooory.
{DM`} The drow locked us up.
{Dirk_Fireston} where are you going?
* Yasmine looks at the dwarf
{Dirk_Fireston} And why did they lock you up?
{DM`} The drow are evil here. you should be warry. There magic is strong.
{Yasmine} Oh great....
{Kestre|} I knew that....
{DM`} We must leave. we can't defend ourselves here.
{Dirk_Fireston} Then help us or give us somehting to help us..
* Kestre| nudges the thief with her elbow
{Kestre|} Quit begging for favours!
{Dirk_Fireston} ( I am GREEDY!!!)
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} I could spare a weapon if one of you wishes to join us
{DM`} You are quite the rude hafling. normaly your kind are fat and jolly, but your just fat.
* Kestre| chuckles
{Kestre|} See what greediness gets you, fatty?
* Klaivius_Silversmoke chuckles also
* Yasmine laughs
{Dirk_Fireston} dude I weigh 63 average is 72.
{DM`} Sorry, We must go. Good luck and godspeed.
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} wait
* DM` the dwarves leave and you see them waddle away on there short legs.
{Yasmine} Bye...
{Kestre|} Adieu.
{Dirk_Fireston} No reward, that sucks!
* Kestre| smirks yet again
{Kestre|} Shut UP!
* Klaivius_Silversmoke turn to the thief
* Yasmine grins mischiviously
* Kestre| slaps Dirk in the head, trying to knock some sence into him
* Dirk_Fireston bites K
{Kestre|} Ouch!
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} You do not help people for a reward, you help them because they need the help
{Dirk_Fireston} (it`s a halfling attack)
{Kestre|} You little weasle...
{Yasmine} We could always give him a cookie as a reward
{DM`} (continueing....)
{Kestre|} (any doors?)
* DM` there is only a stack of straw inside the sell witch smells of rank dwarf.
{Dirk_Fireston} cookie!!
* Yasmine laughs
* Dirk_Fireston searches.
{Yasmine} You want the hero cookie?
* Kestre| pulls a hero cookie from her satchel
{Kestre|} Here, thief...
* DM` Dirk meddles through the straw.
{Thatanos} Perhahps the cookie is enchanted...
* Yasmine laughs
* Dirk_Fireston eats the cookie with happines, all content.
* Kestre| smirks
* Yasmine bursts out laughing
{Kestre|} (you just ate a dog biscuit)
* Kestre| holds back an all out laugh
{DM`} (lol)
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} (ROTFLHAO)
{Dirk_Fireston} This tastes like shit!
* Kestre| cooes cheerfully..."Good boy!"
{Yasmine} That's because you ate a dog treat
* Thatanos rolls his eyes to the obvious prank
{DM`} ((((TBC))))

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