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Campaign log 3

* DM` As you might recall you are in a large cavern filled with spider carcasses. You can either go left where the Drow escaped to or right twards a wooden door.
* Kestre| groans softly, picking herself off the floor, using Green Razor for support
{Kestre|} Now where to?
{Dirk_Fireston} I suggest we follow the drow
* Kestre| walks over to Klaiv offering a hand
* DM` As Dirks looks over his hand and foot he notices the petrefication moving farther up his arm.
* Klaivius_Silversmoke graps hold of Kestrel's hand
* Kestre| helps him to his feet
* Klaivius_Silversmoke gets up, felling the pain in his leg
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} Thank you....
{Kestre|} You are quite welcome, dear priest
{Dirk_Fireston} Kestre|. I have noticed that the stone is climbing my arm.
{Kestre|} What are you trying to tell me?
* Thantos walks over and examins the Halfling.
{Dirk_Fireston} that the stone is climbing my arm.
{Dirk_Fireston} I need help before this gets any worse
{Thanatos} Yes eventually it will spread and kill him. A month or so I say.
* Kestre| chuckles
{Kestre|} Perhaps that's for the better
* Kestre| looks seriously at the halfling
{Kestre|} I'll use my scroll for you once we get out of this place, if you still want me to. Though you'd better save your pennies just in case it doesn't work.
* Klaivius_Silversmoke turns to Kestrel, "no mater who is in danger, you should never wish death upon a person, even thiefs!"
* Kestre| turns to the priest.
{Kestre|} It was a mere jest, I wish no true harm upon him.
* Klaivius_Silversmoke closes his eyes and mumbles" Please help my cause Lothander"(Cure Light Wounds)
* Kestre| waits until Klaiv is done his prayer...
{Kestre|} I'm going to need a talk with this Lothander of yours if I survive this.
* Dirk_Fireston prayes in whisper, please help me...
* DM` Klavious regains some health.
* Dirk_Fireston gets up....
{Dirk_Fireston} we have to keep moving
* Kestre| heads to the corridor where the drow ran off
{Kestre|} Right then, off we go.
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} Alright
{Dirk_Fireston} we must follow that drow
* Klaivius_Silversmoke follows Kestrel in the corridor, wincing at the pain of each step
* Kestre| offers her shoulder to Klaiv, so he can lean on her for some support
{Dirk_Fireston} Would you like help healer?
* Klaivius_Silversmoke turns to the halfling
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} unless you have a walking stick of some sort, i dont believe you can offer much help
{Dirk_Fireston} I will help if I can.
{Dirk_Fireston} I have one... here
* Dirk_Fireston hands other stick
* DM` you continue down the corridor and you reach and opening. Before you is a small underground town. The houses seem to twist and rought as the wood pierces the soil. At the end is a larger tree.
{Dirk_Fireston} Take it.
* Klaivius_Silversmoke grabs the stick
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} Thank you, thank you both
{Dirk_Fireston} would you like me to carry your pack healer? I won`t look in it or anything.
{Kestre|} I'm not terribly sure I want to face that town just yet....
* Dirk_Fireston gives look of respect
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} Thats ok halfling, im quite alright
{Dirk_Fireston} I do not.
{Dirk_Fireston} what do you say Thatanos?
{Thantanos} ....
* DM` Thatanos stands there silent seeming swallowed by this underground civilisation.
{Dirk_Fireston} whispers,alright
{Dirk_Fireston} I think we should take the other door.
* Kestre| turns, still aiding the priest, and starts back in the other direction
* Dirk_Fireston turns to head back
* DM` You find yourselves back in the Cavern.
* Kestre| opens the door that they haven't gone through.
* DM` You open the door and walk in. You stand before a small red lizard that resembles a small dragon.
* Kestre| arches a brow
* DM` it rears a tad.
{Kestre|} Oh great goddess help me.(whispered)
* DM` It's wings stretch out to about 15ft.
* Dirk_Fireston draws a dagger
{Kestre|} (w) Don't you dare throw that thing just yet.
* Kestre| sidesteps slightly, moving slowly, so as not to provoke the thing
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} (w) maybe we could slip by it
{Kestre|} (w) maybe
* DM` It beggins to walk towards you.
{Dirk_Fireston} (w) on the count of three I suggest we deal it damage.. before it does the same.
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} (w) or not
* Kestre| takes a dive out of the doorway back into the cavern
{Thatanos} It seems to be a Drake of some sort.
{Kestre|} I don't trust it
* Klaivius_Silversmoke trys to follow her
* DM` The Drake lets loose a firerey blast. Both Dirk and Klaivius are caught.
{Dirk_Fireston} (how long is it from head to tail?)
* DM` The drake seems to be 4ft long.
{Dirk_Fireston} I knew it
* Dirk_Fireston gets out.
* Dirk_Fireston draws a dagger and preps, waiting
* Kestre| stands just outside the door, off to the side
{Dirk_Fireston} (sarcastic)We want to be friends sir drake
* DM` It leaps forth at Dirk.
{Kestre|} (how close to the door is it?)
{DM`} (very)
* Dirk_Fireston tries to dodge
* Dirk_Fireston puts out dagger in case it lands on me.
* DM` the drake misses the theif and lands on all four.
* Klaivius_Silversmoke crawls out of the door
* Kestre| steps into the doorway and tries to take a smack at it with her quarterstaff
* Dirk_Fireston throws dagger
* DM` Kestrel swings and has her staff knocked out of her hands and it flies into the pool of water.
{Kestre|} No!
* Kestre| jumps back from the doorway...
* Kestre| looks at that blasted partisan she picked up, Green Razor...
{Kestre|} Dammit...should've sacrificed you first...
* DM` Dirk's dagger strikes as the blood pour out of the drake it ignites and send forth a jet of flames.
* DM` Thatanos withdrws his attack after such a display.
* Kestre| pulls out her wand of lightning and uses one charge for a shock
* Klaivius_Silversmoke closes his eyes "Im sorry Lothander, but I am bleeding, I pray apon you, to get more healing"(CModerateW)
* Dirk_Fireston throws another dagger, but from better distance
* DM` Kest strikes it with her wand and electicity travels into the Drake.
* Kestre| uses another two charges for a lightning bolt to strike this thing
* DM` Klaiv heals some more
* Dirk_Fireston draws 3rd dagger
* DM` The drake lets forth another blast of fire towards Dirk.
* Dirk_Fireston tries to dodge
* DM` The flames engulf him his pack catching on fire.
{Kestre|} Drop and roll!
{Dirk_Fireston} ahh!!!
* Dirk_Fireston pours wineskin on pack after taking it off...
* Kestre| looks at the wand, then smacks it with frustration
{Kestre|} Dammit work!
{Kestre|} (where's mah lightening???)
* DM` the Drake goes through the door and leaps twards Kest. She side steps it and has an oppertunity to strike.
* Kestre| tries to kick it in the head as she continues wondering what the hell happened to that lightening bolt she called for
* Dirk_Fireston puts pack out along with a bit of himself
* DM` Dirk finally manages to put out his pack. It is now black and ther are several holes all over.
* Klaivius_Silversmoke pray's to Lothander(CLW), for the sake of the halfling
* Dirk_Fireston draws another dagger suddenly very pissed
* Dirk_Fireston throws at drake
* DM` Kest misses it as a bolt of lightning jets forth Striking into the ceiling. The rubble falls both on the Drake and Kest.
* DM` Dirk stirkes the drake as Klaiv manages to touch him in his frensy.
* Kestre| curses and covers her head against the stone that fell on her head, then high-tails it away from the drake
{Dirk_Fireston} cool
* Dirk_Fireston draws another dagger
* Dirk_Fireston throws at drake
* DM` Dirk misses with his dagger.
* Klaivius_Silversmoke hands a potion to the halfling" Here... "
* Kestre| draws her bow and takes a shot at the drake from about 20ft back
{Kestre|} That's it! I am pissed!
* DM` Kest lets loose an arrow coming quite wide of the drake.
{Kestre|} Ah *@^&#%^!!!
* DM` The drake lets out an other blast of fire.
* Kestre| dodges
* DM` Kest is just missed as her gown catches on fire.
* Kestre| pulls off her cloak and beats out the fire on her gown with it
* Dirk_Fireston throws dagger
* DM` The dagger hits as jets of flame jet out.
* DM` Thatanos stand back as if he's planning something.
* Kestre| fires another arrow at it
* DM` Kest pulls her bow back ready to fire as the string breaks.
* Kestre| looks so wound up she's about ready to fall apart....she curses and throws the &#@$ing bow at the drake
* Dirk_Fireston throws dagger at drake
* DM` Kest manages to clunk it over the head.
{Kestre|} Yus!
* DM` Dirk strikes again Jets coming from the Drake.
* DM` Thatanos lets loose two magic missiles an they explode into the drake.
{Dirk_Fireston} woohooo!!!
* DM` The Drake falls and is ignited in a large burst of flames.
* Dirk_Fireston goes and bottles some blood in his Pyrex bottle
* Kestre| sneaks around behind it and goes through the door
* DM` Dirk Burns himself in the process and botlles some but it ignites also burning in the bottle.
* Klaivius_Silversmoke limps to Kestrel
{Dirk_Fireston} (I sealed it.Is there any IN the bottle?)
* Kestre| smiles at Klaiv, she hands him Green Razor
{Kestre|} Here, my friend, use this to ease your burden a little.
* DM` the room seems to be a cavern with a large pool of water to one side. You look in the water and there floats your staff. The Pool seems to lead some wear butthe hole is only 3x3ft.
* DM` Dirk now has a black soot in his bottle.
{Dirk_Fireston} Crap.
* Klaivius_Silversmoke gratefully takes the polearm, "Thank you m'lady, Lothander will be grateful"
* Dirk_Fireston enters room.
* Kestre| walks over to the pool and kneels by the water's edge, she leans over the water, grasping for her staff
* DM` dirk still has the potion given to him earlier
. {Klaivius_Silversmoke} (hint hint!!)
{Dirk_Fireston} (which one?)
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} (health)
* Klaivius_Silversmoke sees the wounds on Kes
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} M'lady, you are wounded?!?
* Klaivius_Silversmoke searchs through his pack
{Dirk_Fireston} I suggest we rest here a while.
{Thatanos} It's to dangerous to rest here.
{Kestre|} I'll be just plucky. Don't worry about me
* Klaivius_Silversmoke pulls out some Healing salve
* Klaivius_Silversmoke hands it to Kes
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} Here, if anything happens........
* Kestre| takes the salve
{Kestre|} Thank you.
* Kestre| plucks her staff out of the water
{Dirk_Fireston} Why do you love that staff so much?
{Klaivius_Silversmoke} Possibly because its her weapon halfling
{Kestre|} It's my best friend
{Dirk_Fireston} I know that.
* Kestre| chuckles softly
* Dirk_Fireston shudders
{Kestre|} You are sick!

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