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Strange Happenings at the College of Wizardry

* DM` Six weeks have passesd as you have stayed at the college. The Regents have left only a couple days ago in search of a lead on the ancient lores consening Aleph. You all are gathered in the mess hall enjoying a nice meal.
* Kestre| enjoys her meal
* DM` The alarum sounds as evryone rushes into the high vestibule. You all wonder what is the rucjus.
* Kestre| asks someone "What in blases is going on!?"
* DM` One wizard stands infront of the crowd as he tries to calm them.
{Asmus} Calm down everyone!
* Asmus tries to yell over the crowd.
{Asmus} Attention!
* Kestre| looks at him, standing quite still, her interest peaked.
* DM` The crowd begins to settle.
{Asmus} We have an emergency. First we need The innitiates to take care of the apprentices and go to the dinning hall.
{Asmus} Now would be a good time.
* DM` The majority of the crowd flows into the Mess.
* Kestre| moves out with a few apprentices in tow back to the dining hall
{Asmus} The rest of you.... I need volenteers to help with the problem that has uprisen.
{Asmus} Our collegue D'Armour has had a accident with his conduration reserch. He and two aprentices are being held captive in his private lab.
* Kestre| emerges from the hall
{Kestre|} What did he conjure?
* Garion_elDragoon walks into the room.
{Garion_elDragoon} Whatz up?
{Asmus} Where not to shure. We need volenteers to go into his lab and get them out of there.
{Kestre|} I'll go..
{Asmus} ME too!
{Asmus} Of course.
{Garion_elDragoon} I will.
* Garion_elDragoon unsheath his sword and brandishes to the air.
{Garion_elDragoon} Let go get em.
{Kestre|} What he said.
* Kestre| chuckles
{Asmus} We'll take care of D'Amours's room and the rest of you search the college.
{Asmus} Here, I'll lead you both to his lab.
* Kestre| nods and lets him lead the way
* Asmus start to float as he flies up stait to the second floor and yells to both of you.
{Asmus} Hurry time is of the essence.
* Kestre| runs up the stairs, two at a time, cursing silently to herself "Showoff.."
* Garion_elDragoon begins to sprint uo the stairs with his heavy equipement as he lags behind Rosa.
* DM` as Asmus leads you both up to the fifth floor as he flies from balcony to balcony.
{Kestre|} (back to Garion) Why didn't you leave some of that in your room?!
* Garion_elDragoon reaches the top panting following Rosa.
{Garion_elDragoon} Damn!
* Kestre| pants a bit.. "Never thought of that, eh?"
{Asmus} come on let's keep moving.
* Asmus goes to the door leeding to the Incelsis Tower of the college.
* Kestre| follows
* Asmus opens the door and reveals the the 150ft high bridge to the tower as he unlocks the other door.
* Garion_elDragoon follows not far behind sword and shield ready.
{Kestre|} Oh god...
* Kestre| follows begrudgingly across the bridge
* DM` As you all enter the Incelsis Tower you see the stair case and a door to the right. You canot see within the halls past the stairs.
{Asmus} That is D'Amours lab.
{Kestre|} Okay.. Lovely.. So.. no one knows what he summoned?
{Garion_elDragoon} So what do we do?
{Asmus} Not really. There where a couple little creatures roming this floor of the tower, but nothing much.
{Kestre|} What does one do to unsummon something? I'm afraid I haven't gotten that far in my traning..
{Asmus} We should simply help D'Amour and eliminate the problems.
{Asmus} It is such bad luck that the regents are gone.
{Kestre|} think?
* Kestre| sighs.. "Alright.. let's do this."
{Garion_elDragoon} I'll break down the door if we have to.
{Kestre|} Good idea.
* Garion_elDragoon back up and raises his shield as he charges into the door knocking it back.
* DM` as you enter D'Amour's lab you see a large horrid, bony, wretched, and dried husk of a human form with a fearsome skull and a scorpin tail.
* DM` Around the horrid creature are 15 little amourphous, vaguely, humanoid monsters with no real features, but with appendages that might be construed as a head and arms.
* DM` beside the horro are both D'Amour the elf and two aprentices.
* Garion_elDragoon charges in swingin his sword.
{Kestre|} Be careful!
{Kestre|} ...I think we need a priest..
* Kestre| prepares a magic missile, waiting a few moments to cast it
* Asmus shoots forth four Magic Missiles as they strike four small creatures as they puff out of existence.
* Garion_elDragoon swings and slices one in half.
* Kestre| lets loose her magic missiles on the large creature, hoping to weaken it
* DM` The Osyluth rurgles something as the apprentices and D'Amour join the fray.
* DM` Rosa's missiles explode into the Osyluth as it stumbles back. Garion swipes another of the small fiends cutting it down.
{Garion_elDragoon} Take that!
* DM` D'amour avances to Garion and swing as his fists hit his shield.
* Garion_elDragoon shield punches his knocking him to the ground.
* Asmus lets loose four more missiles blowing up yet another foru small demons.
* Kestre| prepares a second volley of magic missiles, unleashing them again on the Osyluth
* Garion_elDragoon swings and cut down two more leaving but one.
* DM` The Osyluth grabs an apprentice and the volley rips him to shreds.
* DM` The demon raises a hand as a sheet of Ice cover one end of the wall to another.
{Kestre|} No!
* Asmus dispels the Magisc upon D'Amour as he is down.
* Kestre| growls and curses
* Garion_elDragoon slices the last little demon as it splats everywere.
* DM` D'Amour sits on the ground quite disoriented.
{Asmus} Let's get it!
{Asmus} Anyone have fire?
{Garion_elDragoon} Nope
* Kestre| casts a flaming sphere
{Kestre|} I do
* DM` Your ball of fire rams into the wall making a gapping pasage as Garion runs in.
{Garion_elDragoon} AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!
{Kestre|} idiot..
* Kestre| follows him, rolling the sphere into the monster, making sure to avoid hitting the dragoon
* DM` You hear blood curdling yells come from inside as you see an arm fly out.
* Kestre| goes through the hole to see what the hell is going on
* DM` your Ball scraps the walls and turns towards it as it picks it up in it's hands.
* DM` It throws the ball with it's rmaining arm at Rosa striking her(6D) as she catches on fire.
* Garion_elDragoon drives his sword into the demon and smacks it in the face with his shield.
* Garion_elDragoon pulls his sword and cleaves into it as it hits the floor.
{Garion_elDragoon} I tink that's it!
* Garion_elDragoon turns and sees you aflame.
* Kestre| dispels the sphere before rolling against the remainder of the ice wall to put out the flames
* Garion_elDragoon beats you with his shield to put out the flames.
* DM` Garion successfully put out the flames as you are severly beaten (12D)
* Kestre| yells "Stop that!"