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Seska Drusilla Darconda is a four year old girl born in Sacremento, California. She lives in an upper class home with her mother Mala, and her father Xanatos. She was born on a warm April tenty-eighth. She is a stiking child with smoothe coffee coloured skin, full lips and thick silky raven-black hair that reaches about mid-back. She has deep brown eyes like her mother's that hide a deeper wisdom and strength. By nature, Seska is curious about things work and how they're made. She loves adventure and thrives on it., but her curiosity and thirst for adventure often lead her into trouble.
Seska has a nanny, Nefratina. Nannies are common for those living in wealthier areas. Seska loves Nefratina, cause Nef brings her to "interesting" places but always keeps a watchful eye on her young charge. Although her parents are the proud owners of a mojor corporation, they always make time for their little girl. On one of his business travels to Great Falls, Montana, he brought home a Prarie Falcon. She loved the bird on sight. His name is Aylwin, meaning "good companion". Seska loves to bring Aylwin everywhere with her, even on her "little adventures" or school. Even though Aylwin may seem to simply be a bird, he protects Seska, just as her father has commanded him to do. Although she hasn't crysalised into the Eshu she is, Seska realises she is different and stands out from most people. She doesn't realise the existance of vampyres, changelings, wraiths, werewolves, or mages about, she does however know that there is more to this world than humans.
This cute, innocent looking girl is smarter and wittier than most would think possible, and she may just outsmart you...

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