Disclaimer: I, Jadeisth Angelos, do not own Sailor Moon in any way.  It 

belongs to Naoko 



The Inner Senshi and the Generals That They Loved


Chapter 1-

Princess Venus and Lord Kunzite


 I am Princess Venus.  This is my story of the Silver Millenium.  

On an October night, the 22nd to be exact, I was born to Queen Venus.  

But enough of the

boring stuff. This is the story of my 1st love, a general named Lord 





 It was the day we were {the inner senshi} to meet the prince of the 

Earth, Prince Darien, son of King Endymion

and boyfriend to the princess of the moon, Serena.  We were her 

guardian sailor scouts and the four of us were to

protect her if there was any danger.  With Prince Darien came his four 

generals; Kunzite, Jadeite, Zoisite and 

Nephilite.  I was the leader of the guardian scouts and Lord Kunzite as 

he was called was the leader of the generals. 

We were meant to be.....


 "Venus!!!" "Wake up!", said my mother, Queen of the planet Venus. "Yes 

princess, it is day you will meet Prince 

Darien from Earth", said my friend, Aprodite, who lived in a house 

nearby to the Magellan Castle, my home.  

"Uh.....", I responded not happy that I had to wake up at 7:00 AM [I 

usually wake up at 10 AM].  After breakfast I

transfromed and teleported to the Moon Kingdom.  Once there I met up 

the other scouts.


 "So Venus you're gonna greet them, right?", asked Princess Mars.  "Yup 

or at least that's what Queen Serenity

[Princess Serena's mother] told me," I answered as I slipped into my 

dress.  You see we are supposed to be in scout 

form when the meeting takes place, but since the meeting wasn't going 

to take place for at least a hour we could

still wear our more comfortable regular clothes.  Mars and I were soon 

joined by Princess Mercury and then finally

Princess Jupiter who was late.  After that the hour passed quickly.


 Soon it was time for the scouts to greet the prince. "Do you know what 

I heard?," said Jupiter as we walked outside.

"I heard that Nephilite is suppose to be very cute."  "Geez, it's just 

you to say something like that, Jupiter",

commented Mars. "Well, we shouldn't be think about anything like that 

at all", said Sailor Mercury. "Mercury," I said

in a depressed voice.  After I had said that Mercury started to giggle.  

Soon we were all laughing.  "All I care about 

is being able to see my precious Darien!", exclaimed Serena.  

"Serena!," said Mars putting a hand to her forehead. 

"Hey, look it's them!", I blurted out suddenly.


 "Where, where's my sweet Darien?!," exclaimed the princess. The first 

thing I saw was a guy with silver hair, dark 

gray clothes and a light gray cape.  "Who's that...", I said softly.  

He was tall and smiled as he and the other 

generals walked toward us.  Prince Darien leaned down and kissed the 

princess' hand.  "I would like you to meet my four

generals of Earth," he said adressing all of us.  I was too busy 

staring at the silver-haired guy to notice. "This is 

Jadeite."  Jadeite had short blond hair.  "This is Nephilite." 

Nephilite had long, wavy brown hair; he was not cute at 

all.  "This is Zoisite."   Zoisite's hair was longer and colored dirty 

blond.  "And this their leader, Lord Kunzite."  

Lord Kunzite bowed to me as if he knew I was the leader of the scouts 

because I stood in front of the others.  

"Let us walk inside," said Kunzite as he took my arm.


 At dinner, I sat at the end of the table.  Jupiter, who was sitting 

next to me was very happy 'cause she got to sit 

across from Nephilite.  "I can't believe Nephilite is sitting across 

from me; he's even cuter than I thought", she'd 

continually whispered to me and Mercury who sat at her other side.  

Kunzite sat across from me.  At first, I was 

nervous and a little of afraid what he would say if I tried to talk to 

him.  Then he said,"So Princess Venus I hear 

you're good friends with the princess," to me.  "Yeah," I answered.  

After that we talked about everything from what 

we do in our free time to what we think about the prince and the 

princess.  I bet he only thinks of me as a new friend 

I thought to myself.  Soon it was time for us to leave for our home 

planets. Prince Darien and his generals would leave 

first then us scouts would go. "Damn", I said very softly and sighed.  

Why couldn't of we [meaning Kunzite and I] had 

more time? As he left Kunzite turned around and took my hands in his.  

"I'll see you later, Princess Venus," he said.  

What was that supposed to mean?


 What it meant was that we were going to start seeing much more of each 

other.  Soon it was clear to us that we were in 

love and it was true love.  We started to act like the prince and 

princess.  In fact, when Serena went down to Earth, it 

was my job to go and get her so I'd sometimes spend time with Kunzite 

and then bust the princess.  We were never caught 

meeting up with each other though sometimes there were close calls.  


The only thing that bothered me about my relationship with Kunzite was 

that everytime I tried to take the Princess back 

to the moon, she'd tell me that I understand her feelings because I'd 

never fallen in love before.  It made me angry that 

the Princess thought I hadn't ever been in love  when I was in a 

relationship with Kunzite.  Everytime she said this I 

wanted to tell her the truth, but I knew she'd make a big deal about it 

so I couldn't say a word.  I never understood 

myself why this bothered me since our relationship being a secret 

didn't bother me at all...


Our relationship was flawless until one day...  A woman named Beryl had 

started a revolt on the Earth.  Since I hadn't 

seen Kunzite in a few days I was like the Princess worried.  Even Queen 

Serenity feared the safety of the Moon Kingdom 

so we (the Inner Senshi) had to be on 24 hour guard duty of the 

princess.  One night, the night of the dance, Prince 

Darien came to the moon to see the princess however his generals stayed 

back on Earth.  Suddenly the negative forces 

attacked the moon!  And Queen Beryl revealed her "new" recruits: all 

four generals of Earth including Kunzite!  They 

had been brainwashed so they didn't remember their allience with the 

Moon Kingdom.

It was finally time for the Sailor Scouts to fight.


Since I was the leader I fought with the of the leader of the generals, 

Kunzite.  I used a sword made from the Silver 

Imperium Crystal to fight with.  I didn't want to fight Kunzite because 

he looked like the same person I'd loved and he 

was the same person deep down inside, but he didn't act like he used 

to.  I had no choice, though.  I had to fight him 

because it was my job to protect the princess.  We fought for what 

seemed like hours until it happened.  Kunzite and I 

killed each other.


It's not supposed to end this way, I thought.  But it had.  "Forgive 

me," I said to Kunzite with my last breath.......