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Romance is a demonstration of affection, passion and love. I believe everyone needs romance in their life. I invite you to get lost in the images and words on this page, and I hope it truly inspires you!!

Statement of Love: The Kiss

1. Kiss on the hand.... I adore you
2. Kiss on the cheek... I just want to be friends
3. Kiss on the neck... I want you
4. Kiss on the lips... I love you
5. Kiss on the ears... I am just playing
6. Kiss anywhere else ... lets not get carried away
7. Look in your eyes ... kiss me
8. Playing with your hair... I can't live without you
9. Hand on your waist... I love you to much to let you go
10. A kiss lasting more than 5 minutes...several of the above!!

Four years ago National Resurrect Romance Week was established by Michael Webb, syndicated columnist, lecturer and Editor of The RoMANtic newsletter (

His reasoning was that "real romance has little to do with money and obligations. It has everything to do with intention and attention. Women want what’s in a man’s heart, not what’s in his wallet and they want it more than once or twice a year."

Dubbed "The World’s Most Romantic Man" by media around the globe, Webb suggests that men and women across the country to do something romantic each day during Resurrect Romance Week and advises that you show your love with actions, not gifts.

Some of Michael Webb’s creative ideas on romance:

Go to a gurgling brook and race leaves or rubber duckies.

Use chalk to write loving welcome home messages on the sidewalk.

Put love notes and Hershey Kisses in your sweetheart’s box of cereal.

Tie a message and balloons to the bottom of the garage door with a foot of string -- they will magically rise in the air when the door is opened.

Brush her hair for ten minutes or gently rub his shoulders before going to sleep.

Use Rain-X Anti-Fog and a cotton swab to write love notes on bathroom mirrors – message magically appears when the mirror steams up.

For more romantic ideas visit Webb’s web site at or call him at

Apparently there are 1001 different ways to show you are romantic!!
Click here!

Giant Fortune Cookies For Fun and Romance

1 cup-all purpose flour
2 tablespoons cornstarch
½ cup sugar
½ teaspoon salt
½ cup salad oil
½ cup egg whites (whites of about 4 large eggs)
1 tablespoon water
2 tablespoons vanilla

Mix all the dry ingredients and then add oil and egg whites until smooth; beat in water and vanilla.

Drop 1/3 cup of batter onto a greased baking sheet and spread evenly into a 10-inch circle. Bake only one or two at a time in a 300 degree oven for about 14 minutes or until light golden brown; if underbaked, cookies will tear during shaping.

With a wide spatula, remove one cookie at a time from over. Working quickly, flip it onto a your hand (please use a towel or wear cotton gloves). Place fortune in center of cookie and fold it in half, but do not crease it. Then fold the two ends towards each other and hold for a minute or two while it hardens. Repeat until all the batter is used. Makes 6.

When I think of romance, these are the images, thoughts and ideas that come to mind...

Visiting waterfalls and/or lighthouses, watching fireworks...
...being serenaded and/or singing together...
...receiving a hand written letter or love note...
...taking in that incredible scent of his cologne...
...hand holding...long deep stares...
...candles; fireside cuddling and talking... single long stemmed white rose...
...toasting in the new year together with a sip of champagne and a kiss...
...slow dancing... together...
...walking in the leaves; feeling the wind in your hair...
...sitting out all night (on Labour Day weekend) watching the stars...
...laughing so hard you cry together...
...really feeling like you were missed when you are not together; hearing "I love you".

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My Sweet Lady - John Denver

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