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Today I will explain how to make the text I used above which seems to pop up or disappear. You can use this technique to make banners for your web pages or for painting avs. Begin by bringing up a blank canvas sized large enough to suit your purposes and color of choice. Because I was adding the armored knights, I used 350 X 300, white.

Add a new layer and then your images if you are using any...remember a new layer per image and then another for the text to keep them all seperate. Use a font like Times New Roman or another that is fairly vertical. After adding the text, I went into Eyecandy and added Inner Bevel and then a yellow Glow but this is not necessary. Deselct your text and open Eyecandy/Motion Trail and make the settings as shown or try others. NOTE: PSP5 users leave the text floating to do the Motion Trail. All other steps are the same.

Basically you can quit now after erasing any tiny bits of your background left behind from the vertical filters application. If you wish your text to stand out more then apply the text once again and move directly over the letters. This time leave the text floating and go to Eyecandy/Glass.

Don't be afraid to play around with the settings. Now go to Image/Effects/Drop Shadow.

And here you are, home at last with a new skill in hand.

If you desire to get a motion trail going up as I did for the word tricks, simply save your work in PSP format after using the vertical filter, then cut and copy that area and reapply as a new layer and move into position on your original working image.