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ENGL 3116 On-line Self Study Exercises

Weeks 7 & 8

Grammar Focus - questions: simple past and past continuous,
Vocabulary Focus - the news media, news stories, dreams
Language Functions - describing a past event, narrating a story, describing a dream

Grammar Exercises

Past Questions (OK)
Forming the and Using the Past Continuous Tense gr (OK)
Simple Past and Past Progressive (OK)
Past Continuous Review (OK)
The Nightly News (Difficult)

Reading Exercises

News Bulletin (OK)
Traffic News list missing words (OK)


 As assigned in class.


 Links to be added.

Listening Exercises

 News Report list (OK)
A Story to Remember list (OK)
Radio Advertising list (OK)
Radio Commercial list (OK)
A Visitor in the Night list non-interactive (OK)
First Car Drive Alone list non-interactive (OK)


Vocabulary Exercises

  Links to be added.

 Grammar Tutorial(s)

 Past Continuous (OK)



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