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ENGL 3208 On-line Self Study Exercises

Weeks 3 & 4

Grammar Focus - "if" clauses and modals, phrases with gerunds
Vocabulary Focus - social and environmental issues, hypothetical situations
Language Functions - expressing opinions, describing hypothetical situations

** PET Exam Preparation ** 


Grammar Exercises

Gerunds and Infinitives (OK)
Gerunds and Infinitives (Good)
Gerunds and Infinitives II (OK)
Forming Gerunds Quiz (OK)
Using Gerunds Quiz (OK)
Quiz on the Use of Modal Auxiliaries General Review (OK)

Second Conditional Ex. 1 (OK)
Second Conditional Ex. 2 (OK)
Second Conditional (OK)
Second Conditional 2 (OK)
Second Conditional Exercise 1 (OK)
Second Conditional Exercise 2 (OK)
Third Conditional Ex. 1 OK)
Third Conditional Ex. 2 (OK)
Third Conditional Exercise 1 (OK)
Which Conditional Should I Use? (OK)

Conditionals Grammar Review (Difficult)
Guy Talk: Conditional Sentences (Difficult)
Quiz: Conditional Verb Forms General Review (Difficult)

Reading Exercises

The Evil Landlady Action Maze (OK)
Birthday Party Conversation Maze (OK)
Dangers of Pesticides rdg (OK) non-PET
Alternatives to Pesticides rdg (OK) non-PET
Exxon Valdez Ten Years Later (OK) non-PET
Just Imagine ... (OK)

The Carpet Fitters timed rdg (Difficult)
Gerunds and Infinitves gr/rdg carpet fitters (Difficult)
The American Pepper timed rdg (Difficult)


 write a resume using MS-Word


Writing a Resume (or C.V.) (OK)
Writing a Cover Letter (OK)
CVs, Resumes, and Cover Letters (Good)

Listening Exercises

Saving the Earth list (OK)
In A Restaurant (OK)
Conditionals Listening Focus (OK)
Ebony's Likes and Dislikes list non-interactive (easy)
Sarah's Likes and Dislikes list non-interactive (easy)

Vocabulary Exercises

work in progess 
review vocabulary for weeks 1 and 2

 Grammar Tutorial(s)

Gerunds gr ref (OK)

First Conditional (Present True) (OK)
Second Conditional (Present Untrue) (OK)
Second Conditional gr ref (OK)
Third Conditiona/ (Past Untrue) gr ref (Difficult)
Third Conditional gr ref (OK)
Conditionals Grammar Focus ref (OK)


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