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The Early Years


Settlers finding their way to a new home

Fort Edmonton

(now a popular place to take a visit into the past with many events throughout the year)


Horse drawn buggies, motor cars and the street car

(a picture of the past, present and a look to the future)


First important strike Turner Valley in 1914, but the real discovery happened in 1947 near Edmonton. Alberta's richest resource, we produce over 80% of Canada's oil.
Ft. McMurray's oil sands is said to contain more oil then Saudi Arabia, but it is very expensive to mine the oil there.

The railroad definitely made the travel West a much easier journey

Gibson Block - Edmonton

An interesting look preserved from our earlier years


Coal Mining

A major natural resource for Alberta. Because most of our rivers are slow-moving, Alberta produces little hydroelectricity. Coal is used to produce about 80% of our electricity needs.