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My home town





Legislative Building

In 1905 Edmonton beat out Calgary and was declared the capital of Alberta. It was the beginning of a rival  competitiveness that still lives strong today between the two cities.


Have a death wish???? Just try wearing anything that carries the Calgary Flames logo into any Edmonton establishment during the hockey season and vice versa to wear anything with the Edmonton Oilers logo in Calgary.



Same holds true during the football season with the Edmonton Eskimos and the Calgary Stampeders.


Not only am I a true Albertan, but I'm also a true Edmontonian. Born and raised in this wonderful city I call home. 

I think when you live in a place for a long time there's a tendency to take it for granted. You forget about all the wonderful things that are offered. Edmonton is not only the capital of Alberta, but it boasts of many offerings such as the biggest mall in the world, it was home to the most successful sports team in Canadian history, it is know as Canada's Festival Capital, the Winspear Centre is not only beautiful, but one of the top music halls in the world. These are only a few of the wonders to be taken in here.