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A final word


Well....this is it, the end of what started out to be simply a thought of emailing some pictures to a friend, snowballed into a whole project. One that has been enjoyable and quite the eye-opener for me. I wonder how many other people have found out  how little they really know about the place they come from?

A great big THANK YOU has to go out to my Aunt Iris for a gift given to my sons many Christmas's ago. A set of Canadian Encyclopedias. Something the boys used for school, but the first time that Mom has had a need for. That set and the internet have been my best friends during the making of this.

I think the hardest part in the making of this was trying to decide what I could leave out of the overwhelming amount of information I have come across. I wanted to be able to give out a well-rounded idea of my little part of the world. There are so many more things that deserved mention. For Edmonton and area alone, there is the Muttart Conservatory, Citadel Theatre, Devonian Botanical Gardens, et al. I'll mention the Storyland Valley Zoo, but to be honest Calgary's Zoo is so awesome it puts ours to shame (sorry Edmonton). Whyte Ave. is another that deserves mention - a collage of interesting shops and coffee houses, it truly shows a picture of our past with it's historical look. It's road and sidewalks are home to the Fringe Festival every year. I apologize to those who haven't been mentioned here.

I truly hope that you have enjoyed your visit to my Home. And if it ever crosses your mind to actually come visit us, I know that you will enjoy your time here and will be met with the typical Alberta friendliness.

Take care of you,




P.S.   I'd be happy to try to answer any questions that have not been  included, Just pass it on in an email and I will try to find the answer for you if I don't know it offhand.
