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University of Alberta is Canada's 2nd largest English-language university. It also encompasses the University of Alberta Hospital which is a teaching hospital. A far more beautiful facility then the original one that I was born in.

I couldn't possibly have this site without showing a big part of an Edmontonian's life....WINTER!...cuz it just goes on...


...and on...

...and on...looks pretty at first, but gets tiring real fast


Black Friday...

That was the name given to July 31, 1987. It was the day of Edmonton's worst natural disaster. I think we all look to the sky with a remembered fear when the skies go dark and roll with summer storms.


I love looking at the Downtown skyline at night. The bright lights twinkle against the darkening skies. I never get tired of seeing it.

And of course this would also not be complete without mentioning the main man Wayne Gretzky - a legend of hockey. Although not one of ours by birth, his time here as an Oiler certainly made him one of ours. This statue was erected outside the Northlands Colliseum (now named the Skyreach Centre) where the Oilers play. The main road leading up to the facility was renamed in his honor. From what I'm told Edmonton is the only city in the world that has had a statue made of a living legend. I guess most places seem to wait until after they've left for (hopefully) greener pastures. There was just about a lynching party for Peter Pocklington when he sold Gretzky to the Los Angles Kings. For the loyal Oiler fans I'm pretty sure his name is still considered a 4 letter word.


Last, but not least, the Francis Winspear Centre for Music. One of the top music halls of the world, it is home to our Edmonton Symphony Orchestra. There is no such thing as a bad seat in this exquisitely designed piece of architecture. Personally, I like the seats on the higher levels, for there truly does not exist a more beautiful sound than the lifting of thousands of voices in song.