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In the world of color, green stands for emotional
growth. So it's not surprising that the Phantom
Quartz, a crystal to meditate on when you feel you
have become stuck in life and need to move on is
the color of green.

Over time I have found meaning in the following
quotes, adages and stories. It is my hope that
you will find something here that touches you
as it has touched me.

~The Other Side of The Coin~

~Creed for Optimists~

Before you go into this next one I have to warn you
that it is rather lengthy, but I really hope that
you will take the time to read it completely. The
first time I read this, and every time since, it
reminds me not only of how lucky I am, but it also
reminds me of my Angels. There have been many over
the years and I dedicate this to all of you with
my love. Saying thank you isn't enough and I can
never fully express my gratefulness to you and all
your help.

~Angels, Once in a While!~

~Dare to Risk~

~I Dreamed I Had an Interview with God~

~I'm Learning~

~Instructions for Life~

~Smile For You~

~Big Rocks~

~A Thousand Marbles~

~Email Prayer~

~Paradox of Time~

~Strength and Courage~

~Promises of Youth~

~God's Boxes~

~I Am So Lucky~

~The Blessings Of Thorns~

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