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~ I Am So Lucky ~

I sit here, wondering what my life is all about in one breath. And in the next breath I feel the guilt that comes with knowing that I have so much to be thankful for. I know the list of what I should be thankful for is long and maybe if I write them down. See them. Read them. Then maybe I will have the capacity to recognize just how lucky I really am. 

I have two wonderful children living with me. They may drive me nuts at times, but compared to what I could be going thru with them. I am so lucky. 

I have been reunited with my daughter after many years of separation. It has been a dream come true. I am so lucky. 

My family and many special friends surround me. So why is it that I feel so lonely when I feel their love daily. I am so lucky. 

I have a roof over my head. Some would probably think that it’s not so great a place, but it is a home that is filled with love. I am so lucky. 

I eat when I feel hungry. It’s a rather boring menu but it is always filling. I am so lucky. 

I have a job to go to everyday. It doesn’t provide a whole lot of money, and it can be kind of boring at times, but I love the people I work with. I am so lucky. 

My health may not be at it’s best, but I have my sight to see all the beautiful colors in the world and my ears to listen to the music and hear my children’s laughter and their words “I love you” and “You’re the best Mom”. I am so lucky. 

I live in a place where peace is taken for granted. War and terror are things unreal in another place far away. I am so lucky. 

I have a choice. Whether I make changes or not to things I don't like, in the end it is still my choice to make. I am so lucky.

These are just a few of the things that I could think of off the top of my head. I know there are more that I could come up with if I put some effort into it, but you know, I read these and they remind me of all I have in my life. Much more then what a lot of people can lay claim to. These things tell me that…



…I really am lucky.

Inspiration/ Other Side of the Coin/ Creed for Optimists/ Angels, Once in a While!/ Dare to Risk/ I Dreamed I Had an Interview with God/ I'm Learning/ Instructions for Life/ Smile for You/ Big Rocks/ A Thousand Marbles/ Email Prayer/ Paradox of Time/ Strength and Courage/ Promises of Youth/ God's Boxes/ The Blessing of Thorns/