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It takes strength to be certain
It takes courage to have doubts

It takes strength to fit in
It takes courage to stand out

It takes strength to share in a friend’s pain
It takes courage to feel your own pain

It takes strength to hide your own pain
It takes courage to show it and deal with it

It takes strength to stand guard
It takes courage to let your guard down

It takes strength to conquer
It takes courage to surrender

It takes strength to endure abuses
It takes courage to stop them

It takes strength to stand alone
It takes courage to lean on a friend

It takes strength to love
It takes courage to be loved

It takes strength to survive
It takes courage to live

May you find strength and courage
In everything you do
And may your life be filled with
Friendship and love

Inspiration/ Other Side of the Coin/ Creed for Optimists/ Angels, Once in a While!/Dare to Risk/I Dreamed I Had an Interview with God/I'm Learning/Instructions for Life/ Smile for You/ Big Rocks/ A Thousand Marbles/ Email Prayer/ Paradox of Time/ Promises of Youth/ God's Boxes/ I Am So Lucky/ The Blessing of Thorns/