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2 Boys (well my sons to be exact). One 18, the other 16. Useful for??? Not sure, still trying to figure out if there is anything else besides emptying fridge (before groceries are put away), making obnoxious noises and smells, creating complete chaos and small war zones with their belongings, fighting over TV shows on their 24/7 'let's see how much we can watch marathons', and just generally causing Mom grief. They'll answer to just about anything you want to call them, though officially their names are J.C. and Daniel. Did I mention that they are housebroken?

Oh yeah, there is also a
policy on them.

Hmmmm, perhaps I'm asking too much in the Good Home department. How about to any home that has a different Postal Code. Preferably one that doesn't start with a "T".

If interested please call



Parent's Page/ Things I've Learned/ My Mother Taught Me/ Moving In With Son/ Application to Date My Daughter/ Before I Was a Mom/ Just a Mother?/ Mom's Dictionary/ When God Made Moms/ A Teenager Is/ A Touch of Love/ Couch Findings/