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~Parent's Page~

If you are familiar with Font types, you'll notice that I have chosen to use Comic Sans for this page and any links. As a parent, I have found that keeping a sense of humor is probably the only thing that keeps your sanity, so what better Font to be used in the place where humor is needed. Especially as the kids get older and you find yourself more and more. I hope you enjoy your visit. : )

Things I've Learned

My Mother Taught Me

Moving In With Son
My personal favorite

Application to Date My Daughter
My mother wished she had this one. LOL

Before I Was A Mom

Just a Mother?

Mom's Dictionary

When God Made Moms

A Teenager Is

A Touch of Love
Dedicated to my children
(Thank you to Donna (aka Firelady) for this submission

Couch Findings

Newspaper Ad

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