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Once again the day of love has come
And with love comes the joy and the sorrow
With it's laughter and it's tears
The rising tide of emotions we must bear
And it can not be compared
To the loneliness that one feels
Left to our own devices
To stave of that overwelming need
In which we wallow in self-pity
Begging to be rescued from ourselves
But wondering do we truly dare
Could it really be worth the chance
The risking of our heart
Allowing the feelings - it's good, it's bad
To encompass us as they have before
Wanting to believe in the good of another
To reach out with our hand, our heart
To forget the lessons we have been taught
A realm of dreams - where I often go
One that seems to forever end with a soft tear
For in the here and now I have found...

...that I really must choose to fly alone.
