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Hi there! My name is Prism (aka Glenna in the non-realm world). I would like to welcome you to Prism's Castle.

Well this is my web space...I would like to say that I have been working hard on it, but I have to admit it has been awhile. For those of you who have visited before you won't see much new, but I hope you still enjoy it. I still haven't necessarily figured out why I need to have a site (since there is no particular purpose to it), but I'm still enjoying it. For me, it's a place where I've been able to put my creativity to use and the adventure of always learning new things.

I was a member of the Soaring Eagles in The Site Fights It was an incredible experience for me. I met some really wonderful people and had the opportunity to expose my site to a lot of people. A very pleasant eye-opener for me. It's one thing for me to like my site (I created it for me), but I have also discovered that others like it too. It has been a great self-esteem booster and I want to say a special thank you to everyone who has supported me thru my guestbook and votes.

I sure hope that you enjoy your visit and if you see something that you would like to borrow for your own pages please feel free to download it to your own computer. If you find a broken link I would surely appreciate an email letting me know where it is, sometimes it's hard to keep up with it all. And by all means, come back to visit on occasion and see what's new in the realm of Prism's Castle.

A picture of the maker of this site. Personally, I like the one up above better. :)

Seeing that I was born in the Year of the Horse, it was with great excitement that I saw the new stamp out this year. I just had to have it on my site.

My Family

Glenna's Room

Daniel's Page

J.C.'s Page

Tracee's Page

A Special Reunion

Home Parent's Page Disney Inspiration Spirit Page Poetry Alberta