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Infection zine who, what, when, where and why:

Why? Infection zine was created out a general disdain for zines like Heartattack and things like emo and other cruddy-ass crap floating about the hardcore scene. We decided since a lot of zine out there are pretty crummy we could do a little bit better and do things the way we wanted them to be done. so we interviewed a bunch of bands and asked them a whole bunch of crazy questions, the kind we'd want to read about and henceforth, Infection zine was born. The first issue was met with little fanfare as many people found our ultra negative outlook to be annoying. The second issue shows a more refined Infection, with more thoughtful, less annoying questions and a more positive outlook, as we realized our sarcasm and bad attitude didn't translate very well through print and people thought we were completely obnoxious assholes, which we are not, for the most part.

Where? Infection Zine is produced in Toronto, Canada. you can get a copy from us by sending $2 US in North America or $3 US anywhere else to: Infection / PO Box 43542 / 1531 Bayview Ave. /  Toronto, ON / M4G 3B5 / CANADA. Canadians pay in Canadian funds, everyone else in US money.

What? Infection zine covers a wide range of bands, ranging from fast to slow. There really nothing in between to cover in our opinion, and nothing with mosh metal parts, crying emo breakdowns, post punk, indie or "mathrock" will ever be covered within the zine.

How? Infection zines aim is to try and do things a little differently than other zines, though working through the conventional MRR zine format of interviews and reviews. Columns are a no go unless someone has something specific to say and even then it's iffy at best. Who wants to read someone's views on Mumia Abu Jamal and veganism? I sure as hell don't, so unless it's something that is actually refreshing and original it will not go in. Mostly we write about zombie movies, skateboarding, fast hardcore and things that annoy us. If you like those sort of things than I think this zine is for you!

Who? Maybe you?! We are always looking for contributors for the zine to take photos of bands (esp. international) and skateboarders, do interviews, graffiti and anything else that you can think up. We don't need reviewers, columnists, layout help or anything like that.

When? Infection comes out when it's done. If you want an update, send us your email address and we'll keep you up to date on how things are going from time to time. You will not get spammed once a week or anything like that, but when a new issue comes out we'll let you know.

Review policy: We review anything sent to us, as long as it falls within the musical boundaries described above. Anything else will get snapped in half immediately or thrown at the elderly. We don't have to love it for us to review it, but as long as it's fast or slow we will give it our best shot.

Do you take ads? Yes, but since the zine comes out sporadically we don't charge for them We trade for review material instead. If you're in a label or band get in touch and we can work something out. Infection has a print run of 400+ every issue.

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