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To be fair, not a lot of the reviews were good. And by good, I mean they were usually puzzled. Many couldn't grasp what we were trying to do, and some (like the MRR review) didn't really read it and just used the space to suck up to Max Ward. Others didn't think our comparisons to Jesus and the straight edge were very funny. Well, not like we care ewhat people think uf us, it's just cheaper than advertising.

“This is not a hardcore zine, we refuse to be grouped in with a subculture that embraces things like anarchism, Heartattack zine, emo, kissing circles, Cave In and the rest of that shit. This is a zine about fast bands and horror movies”. That's the first things I read in this little but very, very interesting zine. No false pretentious, no fake politics, just horror and thrash bands, that’s exactly what this zine is about. Besides the good and sometimes funny interviews with Max Ward,  eadbodieseverywhere, Despise You, Ken Pollution and some more the most interesting and weirdest thing in this zine is the interview with ‘real life’ necrophiliac Karen Greenlee. The fact that you don’t really know if it’s made up or not makes it really weird to read. At least I had a blast going through it and in fact going through this whole zine! (although not for anyone into emo-ish blahblah) (JP)

-Reflections #14

 This zine starts with a disclaimer saying that it’s not a hardcore zine and has nothing to do with anarchism, emo or Heartattack. And they are anti hardcore community- and anti human, as well. Huh? This is a zine about fast bands and horror movies. Okay, fair enough. But it sure does cover the hardcore fast bands by interviewing Dead Bodies Everywhere, Despise You, Seven Foot Spleen, Sloth, Pig Destroyer, Shank and Max from 625 prod and Ken from Sound Pollution. Wadge isn’t very hardcore though. theres a few other bits-some necropheiliac stuff I didn’t read. Some reviews (of fast hardcore). and there are these “Jesus says...straight edge” quotes throughout, wghich were off putting. I don’t get the vibe that this is a Christian or religious zine, so again I say huh? I’m not trying to knock this-if you like the band (sp) then you would probably like the zine. I just don’t care for the ultra negative attitude and the this sucks list. there are zombie reviews too. (-Chris)

-Slug and Lettuce #66

 Here’s a cool zine out of Canada with mass amounts of sarcastic humor thrown in with their commentary on music, and whatever else they feel like ranting about. The zine itself is half-sized with tiny type, but it’s easily legible and very cool - I love the compact feel of everything. There’s also a quality layout, considering it’s a simple xerox zine it looks excellent. In addition to their attacks on emo, and human life in general, the editors include lists of "things that don’t suck" and arguments against Pepsi, Blockbuster Video, and Britney Spears (but not Christina Aguilara, who they call a "sexy ass kicker"). I’m baffled by the "Jesus Says" comment boxes that appear on a couple of pages, stating messages like, "Jesus Says! Say no to wine! No wine at the Last Supper! Straight X Edge". What!? I can’t tell if they’re making fun of one or the other, or both!? Anyway… The interviews here are good. Some of the questions are a bit bland/generic, and some of the Q & A sessions are too brief. Dead Bodies Everywhere talks a ton of shit, which is always a treat. There’s a lengthy discussion with Max Ward, and a great interview with Shank that is very informative and full of solid content. The Wadge interview is absolutely hilarious! None of the answers relate to the questions at all, which rules! And some of the questions are equally impressive: "Spears or Aguilara?" But by far the greatest moment in the interview is as follows:

  IF: Doesn’t Cradle of Filth have the best album covers?
  Wadge: You’ve obviously never seen a Razor LP.

Classic! I was on the floor after that one… too perfect. This is definitely one of the best interviews I’ve ever read. In the reviews department, Infection only reviews records that they like. While the description of each record is brief, the style that they cover is made painfully obvious throughout the magazine so their point is well made and the reviews make sense. If that’s not enough, they throw in some zombie film reviews for you too. I’m impressed. Of course, it could be better, but I love the humor… it really makes things an entertaining read. Not to mention this is only the first issue. I read this thing pretty much cover to cover as soon as I cracked it open. Definitely check it out, especially if the styles covered are your thing.

-Aversion Online

 They call this the Anti-people zine. The back cover states, “Infection zine is pro evolution, pro abortion and advocates the death penalty. All life is not precious.” inside, it is predominantly an interview heavy zine (funny, since they’re anti people, right?), with inteerviews with Dead Bodies Everywhere, Wadge, X625X, Seven Foot Spleen, Sloth, Pig Destroyer, Shank, ken pollution and Despise You. there is also a list of what they think sucks, some record reviews, zombie film reviews and little Jesus sXe things throughout.

-Punk Planet #41

 Infection #1: A list of the interviews should clue you into the contents of this zine: Max Ward, Dead Bodies Everywhere, Sloth, Wadge, Ken pollution. Hardest of the hard, Max Wards smile alone is harder than any of that crap Incubus/Bizkit on the radio. Serious hardcore. (GF)

-MRR # 210
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