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OSA Contacts



OSA Contacts Who Are We? OSA Mandate OSA Reviews Affiliates Online Mag. EX Files

The Ontario Stepfamily Association

President:  Ray Heinrich

Communications Director:  Lynne Heinrich

Contributing Editor:  Elizabeth Pantley

Student Director:  Trish Jackson

Internet Consultant:  David Wilson

Publication Contributors:  Diana Dathrein & April Clay

Board of Directors:  Brenda Paine, Stewart Hill, & Sherry Myers

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE NOTE:  When writing to the OSA via our surface address, include a Self-Addressed STAMPED Envelope.  Our Surface Mailing Address is: 

224 Richardson Drive,
Port Dover, ON,  Canada
N0A 1N4      

     We encourage you to send us your comments, stories, and constructive suggestions.  Though we cannot respond to all of our readers individually, we try to answer as many queries as possible.  When sending articles or stories for publications consideration, please include your surface mailing address and full name.  All material so received becomes the property of the OSA.   We will notify you upon publication.  You may also contact us via email at

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