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Founded by Slops & PNS - First run 30 April 2000


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Dili Hash Trash 50




Grand Master Joe DIAK KALI Casey 0407 015426

Religious Adviser Willie WEE WILLIE Harrison 0438 899769

Hash Cash Terry SCRUBBER Jenkins 0408 242084

Beermaster Dylan ROADKILL Thomas 0407 394152

Trailmaster Dave BROWN EYE Ives 0407 939660

On Sex Jack HAIDROLIK Williams 0407 656753

Choirmaster Juliann PERSPIRATION Isaacson 0407 72396

Hash Horn Anthony Taylor 0417 879554


NEXT WEEK’S RUN: The road past Phil’s Grill (follow the signs) Diak Kali & Brown Eye





A stalwart but diminished group gathered at the Kampongbaru International Soccer and Volleyball Stadium for the DH3 April Fool’s Hash. Perhaps some thought it all a hoax and didn’t think that we would actually go through with it. After some confused and aimless checking the hounds finally shook off their sluggishness and "On, On" was the cry with the intrepid walkers trying to be FRB’s. Through the scenic suburb past shattered houses, with FRB’s forced to follow the fabulous falsies laid by 2DOGS. Walkers took a detour while the rest made a quick circuit around the Comoro roundabout and then on-on through a particularly scenic cornfield guarded by an irate goat, as smelly and ill-mannered as any Hasher. BABE had used his considerable experience (and affinity) with dumb animals to train it to butt errant Hashers (which was everyone).

The cunning trail led to Don Bosco auditorium where the pack, clearly subdued from respect for the great man rather than a result of their own exertions, sedately followed a well-concealed trail. A check halt reunited the group, and then on-on via banana and corn fields. Walkers were again rested from the rigours of a 2DOGS trail, while Glenn decided to explore some new ground all by himself. He alleged that BABE had sent him on a false trail, but really, is that at all believable? Coming from a lawyer for goodness sake!

The religious theme continued up the Stations of the Cross, with a hearty sing-a-long ably led by She of the Dulcet Tones, our very own Songmistress, while the pack enjoyed the sweeping views.

It was then On Down through more ruins and fields to the final Hold Check where walkers and perhaps some others (was CUT OFF seen skulking away?) headed On Home. FRB’s took off, unfortunately some along false trails. Being totally slack and without commitment SALSA and HAIDROLIK were the ultimate SCB’s, cutting in front of the Hares themselves, grinning like Cheshire cats and revelling in their SCB-ness. Shame, you pricks, shame.

On Home came too quick for some; they seemed to be panting for more.

The verdict? Any trail that allows SCRUBBER and BROWN EYE to be the FRB’s must have something going for it. On-Outstanding!


Considering the date this was a very good run. Obviously a lot of work went into it and everything more or less worked out as planned. (Especially the local planted to guide SALSA & HAIDROLIK off course!)

The trail was a good length and well marked (most of the way) with the locations of the Hold Checks well arranged for the walkers and runners and the falsies working to keep the pack together very successfully.

The variety of terrain was good with a nice use of the hill.

All in all a good effort and fair down downs. Just try to do better next time!


A small but select band of Hashers assembled by the side of the road at Kampongbaru in Comoro to witness the punishments dispensed without mercy by our closet GM, SCRUBBER. Having been thwarted in his drive for power the previous week, SCRUBBER started off like a whirlwind but lost momentum after the first few charges. It could have been the spectators, who outnumbered the Hashers about two to one, or the fact that he was operating without his abacus. However since another down down only meant another free drink for newly christened TUPPER he might have been trying to save some beer for later.

The quadruple christening of TUPPER, RIGID, PULL IT & PUSH IT was the highlight of the proceedings with a lighter touch being added by TUPPER’s locally grown knee pads, which he grudgingly surrendered to the lady for the christening.






Returnees TUPPER

SCRUBBER Who’s Julie?

Charges from the Circle

PS charged HAIDROLIK for infringing his photographic copyright by publishing his photo of last week’s Hare on the front page of the Trash

LACERATION charged SCRUBBER for using his and PULL IT’s non-Hash names. He was joined by his accuser on a technicality.

CHRISTENING Steve becomes PULL IT for his association with chickens

Julie becomes PUSH IT for her association with teaching – and Steve

Max becomes TUPPER for his association with Baucau, ladies, Scouts and farms

Julian becomes RIGID for his association with upstanding works and deeds

POTW to HAIDROLIK as stand in for SALSA with whom he was jointly accused of short cutting.
(It must have the longest shortcut on record if they came out only just in front of these Hares!)


On his recent trip back home, TUPPER invited fellow Hasher BROWN EYE to his farm for a few days on his way to Indonesia.

Unknown to TUPPER, BROWN EYE is a bit of a ventriloquist and he decided to have a bit of fun. So he said to TUPPER, "May I speak to your horse?"

TUPPER laughed and said, "The horse can’t talk!"

"Sure he does," replied BROWN EYE, and proceeded to talk to the horse. "Hello Mr Horse, how are things on the paddock today?" BROWN EYE threw his voice and said, "Oh, I am having a lovely day. I have been galloping all about, giving children rides and having a great time!"

TUPPER looked astonished and exclaimed, "The horse talked!"

BROWN EYE continued his illusion and asked if he could speak to the cow.

TUPPER laughed again and said, "The cow can’t talk!"

"Sure he does," replied BROWN EYE and proceeded to talk to the cow. "Hello Mrs. Cow, how are things in the field today?" He threw his voice again and said, "I'm having a wonderful day in the field. I have been eating this beautiful green grass all day and later I will be getting milked. It has been a fine day."

TUPPER again looked astonished and exclaimed, "The cow talked!"

BROWN EYE decided to push his luck one more time and said, "TUPPER, can I talk to your sheep?"

TUPPER suddenly became alarmed and flustered and cried, "No, you can’t talk to sheep. The sheep lie!"


There is no Run Report for Run No. 1. The first report on record is for Run No. 4. It was written by PNS. Here it is in full.


Well it happened we’ve made it to number 4 with the diehards (or shouldn’t we say that here) On On was the sound as we headed off out the car park and on into the burbs of Dili.

Running through the corn fields was this diverse set of runners from US of A, Canada, South Australia and us Aussies. Where the stuff are we going was the sound as we cum across the first cheque. ‘Oh, a falsie’ as we kept going on to the main road.

The locals were intrigued as to the happenings going on with this mob of yobbo’s terrorising the countryside. On On then we headed bush past this little kampong as a young girl appeared out of nowhere, was she safe, ‘sure was’ was the reply as Slops has been nicked and can’t get it up because of his age.

On up this hill and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and we weren’t getting any closer till we decided to put a cheque in and went left down like billy-goats. It was rough but we made it to the road and continued on our merry way. The two yanks speaking many dialects of the local language, didn’t know what they were saying and neither did they.

On through the burbs back home to an illustrious greeting for the hare which I can’t print. PNS – (magic run)

Down Downs:

Kev Hunter (no relation to Rick) from Us of A. Hash name DIAK

His mate from CIVPOL – from Us of A also Hash name DIAK ALLAY

Daryll Davies from Canada – Hash name NEW MOOSE

Andrew from Chubb – CHUBBY

Cumming Runs:

# 5 – 28 MAY New Moose Opp UN HOSP

# 6 – 04 JUN Slops

# 7 – 11 JUN TBA

# 8 – 18 JUN PNS Portuguese Hosp up the hill

Pass it on to one and all of the existence of the H3 here in Dili, East Timor

You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on. - ‘Dean Martin’


You know your ready to join Hash when:

* You walk past a cemetery and two guys with shovels come running after you.

* You're at the zoo and the kids start feeding you peanuts.

* You go to a horse show ..... and win !

* You go swimming ..... and get hit by a harpoon !

* Your photographer needs a wide-angle lens.

* Your office chair has developed stretch marks

* You get winded playing Free Cell!

* Your idea of aerobics is heavy breathing.

* Your chair gets up when you do.

* Your insurance agent offers you a group rate.

* You're lying on the beach and two guys from Greenpeace try to throw you back in.


The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind. - ‘Humphrey Bogart’


Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer. - ‘Dave Barry’

A Brief History of the Hash House Harriers Philosophical Hash Musings

Hash House Harrier roots extend back to the old English schoolboy game of "Hares and Hounds," in which some players, called "hounds," chase others, called "hares," who have left a trail of paper scraps along their route across fields, hedges, streams, bogs, and hills. One of the earliest Hares and Hounds events on record was the "Crick Run" at Rugby School in Warwickshire, England, first held in 1837.
Hare and Hounds as an adult sport began in the fall of 1867 with a group of London oarsmen who wanted to keep fit during the winter. Also called "Paper Chasing" or the "Paper Chase," the game became very popular after its introduction on Wimbledon Common in 1868 by the Thames Hare and Hounds. Early clubs called themselves "Hare and Hounds" or simply "Harriers."
The Hash House Harriers as we know it today was founded in Malaya (now Malaysia) by Albert Stephen Ignatius Gispert, an English chartered accountant.
It was sometime during 1937 when Gispert (or simply "G" as he was known to his friends) acquired a taste for the paper chase with the Springgit Harriers in Malacca (also in Malaya). Shortly after being transferred by his accounting firm to Kuala Lumpur he gathered

together a number of fellow expatriate businessmen to form a harrier group. The first run was held in December 1938 and the founding members included Cecil H Lee, Frederick "Horse" Thomson, Eric Galvin, H.M. Doig, and Ronald "Torch" Bennet.

The group's name came about primarily because local authorities required legal registration of the club. While the "Kuala Lumpur Harriers" would have appeared a logical choice, "G" decided instead to use the nickname for the Selangor Club where a number of the local harriers both lived and took their meals. It seems that due to its lacklustre food, the dining room was commonly referred to as the "Hash House."

Hashing in Kuala Lumpur was suspended during the World War II occupation by Japanese forces, but then re-established after peace returned. It wasn't long before the hash began slowly spreading around the world. Former members of the original Hash House Harriers started a hash in 1947 near Milan, Italy, but it wasn't until 1962 that the next group was formed in Singapore. The Singapore Hash was gradually followed by others until in 1973 there were approximately 35 hashes in 14 countries.

Subsequently, the hash began spreading like wildfire and the number of hashes soon climbed into the hundreds by the early 1980s. At last count, in 1999, there are some 1,700 active hashes in over 180 countries, including approximately 350 in the United States.

If you have half a mind to run Hash – that’s all you need.

If you're feeling good, don't worry,. you'll soon get over it.

Hashing is true. Don't be misled by facts.

The first myth of Hash organization is that it exists.

If the hounds are happy, something has gone wrong.

You always find the trail in the last place you look.

When the trail just can't possibly get any worse, it will.

No matter which way you check, it's uphill and against the wind.

At check-it-outs there’s a 90% chance you’ll be wrong which ever way you go.

You can never tell which way the Hash goes by looking at the trail.

If the trail should exist, it doesn't.

If it does exist, it's false.

When the going gets tough, everyone short cuts.

Once a Hash run is fucked up, anything done to improve it only makes it worse.

Eighty percent of all Hashers consider themselves to be above average SCBs.

Every Hasher lies, but it doesn't matter, because nobody listens.

If you knew what you were doing you'd probably be bored.

Anything is possible if you don't know what you're talking about.

If the Hash name fits, it's ugly.

If you don’t like it – it fits.

An alcoholic is a person who drinks more than a Hash House Harrier.

There are never enough hours in a day, but always too many days before the Hash.