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Founded 7MAY00
By Slops & PNS
GRANDMASTERS: PNS – Pete Matthey 0408289562
SLOPS – Andy Hislop 0417005669
HASH CASH: SCRUBBER – Terry Jenkins 0408242084
BEERMASTER: BUPS – Dave Hill 0418133464
TRAILMASTER: KOALA – Billy Krieger 0407489878
ON SEX: PNS 0408289562


Run #11

KIWI House – Wee Willy & Porky Baa Baa Baa Baa

What a crowd and half today with 36 hashers turning up for the run and it certainly wasn’t because the 2 KIWI coppers set it. They tried their hardest to set the trail with wool but ended up using baby powder. After we explained hash to everyone off we set into the depths unknown of this far away country. We got a falsie straight away and that blew everyone as we turned back towards the beach. Heading up through the villages of Dili we went, with the Mighty Big Cohuna out front for a stuffin’ change. On On was the sound as hasher after hasher passed by the villagers who were pretty helpful showing us which way to go. G4 and the boys were doing ok until they got to the end. Nobody and ANL decided they weren’t going to run all that way just to run back so they short cutted. G’sB and Mr X tried to set the pace but they weren’t doing to well as everyone was going past and they were falling further behind. The pack kept pretty close and obeyed all the cheques to some extent but we gotta’ keep calling the ‘On On’ for the trail. Good turn up tonite but pass the story of hash onto all your bruvvers. Baa Baa Baa Baa

Down Downs: Wee Willy & Porky – The hares

10 Virgin hares today or was it 11, could’ve even been 12 and that included Latrine, Mr X, Big Cohuna, Heartstarter and Leaky Dick

Cumming Events:

Sydney Bushrangers 700th Wisemans Ferry NSW 20-22OCT $120 for the weekend

Cumming Runs:

RUN 12 16JUL Hubcap – Dili Cathedral

RUN 13 23JUL Koala

RUN 14 30JUL Turtle & Woofter – Oval next to FLSS on left going towards

Liquica past the Comoro roundabout

RUN 15 06AUG Bups Bob Marley Run. (Wear a BM T-Shirt)

RUN 16 13AUG Slops & Nobody’s Revenge Run & AGPU

RUN 17 20AUG PNS & G’sB Farewell Run 4.2km from Timor Aid turnoff to Jesus Statue

RUN 18 27AUG Scrubber

RUN 19 03SEP Viking

Within the fraternity of Hash we occassionally have theme runs so on the 6AUG Run 15 wear a Bob Marley tshirt and make the day.

AGPU. (Annual General Piss Up). Slops and PNS have to hand over the reigns of the club to some hashers who are going to be here for a little while longer, so this will be the first AGPU in East Timor. So, be there and vote in a new committee

The committee positions are as follows:

Grand Master or the GM

Asst Grand Master or AGM

On Sex – Secretary

R.A or Religious Advisor or GOD

Hash Horn

Beer Master

Hash Cash
