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RUN # 12

Founded 7MAY00
By Slops & PNS

GRANDMASTER: PNS – Pete Matthey 0408289562
GRANDMASTER: SLOPS – Andy Hislop 0417005669
HASH CASH: SCRUBBER – Terry Jenkins 0408242084
BEERMASTER:BUPS – Dave Hill 0418133464
TRAILMASTER: KOALA – Billy Krieger 0407489878
ON SEX: 0408289562


Run #12

DILI Cathedral - HUBCAP

The run was fruitfully distracted from starting by Babs turning up out of nowhere ‘I was driving past and saw use yobbo’s all standing around and I ‘fort use were hashers’. Onya mate and welcome to Dili then he pissed off. Oh so holy with us starting from this place of worship, Slops and Drop Short cringed hanging around the church but we set off with 30 plus runners today. On On was the proverbial sound as we headed into the burbs of Dili. We’re doing ok till we got to the first weird cheque and that threw everyone. The trail was no where to be found. Nobody and Woofter looked everywhere but nuffin was found. Hashers went everywhere trying to find some semblance of chalk. Latrine and the intrepid GM let loose and wandered out where no hasher has ever stepped before and we still didn’t find anything until we heard ‘On On’ cumming from Viking and then talk about back runners and I mean farkin’ far back we were. The pack had gone. Wee Willy with his arse cheeks grinning from side to side after his team won the footy the night before (poofters) ran like the clappers. The trail went through heaps of small villages with the locals looking at us as though we were all an item, Slops and Boo Boo weren’t as all the local girls were to old for them. Anyway not a bad run from all aspects as it certainly shook up the quiet serene areas of Dili

Down Downs: Hubcap – The hare G4 – For receiving the world famous book called ‘JACKS TENT’ and he is now required to carry this book whenever there is a hash run, function, AGPU or anything even nude runs.
Geoff Hill – Hash name – Boo Boo
Emma Thompson – Hash name – Alliker
Slops – for subscribing to sexually illicit smutty material of a deviate nature Virgin harriers: M.Greiger, Hannah Hill (bloody better lookin’than her old bastard dad) & Ron Isaacson Phucknose – New runner from Illawarra H3

Cumming Events:

Sydney Bushrangers 700th Wisemans Ferry NSW 20-22OCT $120 for the weekend

Cumming Runs:

RUN 13 23JUL Koala – Opp UN Hospital (towards Comoro Airfield)

RUN 14 30JUL Turtle & Woofter – Oval next to FLSS on left going towards Liquica past the Comoro roundabout
RUN 15 06AUG Bups Bob Marley Run. (Wear a BM T-Shirt or shorts) Bamboo Rest. 1.3km from Timor Aid turnoff
RUN 16 13AUG Slops & Nobody’s Revenge Run & AGPU – 1.9km from Dili Port past Kiwi House along the beach road. Signs will be posted
RUN 17 20AUG PNS & FOD Farewell Run 4.2km from Timor Aid turnoff to Jesus Statue
RUN 18 27AUG Scrubber
RUN 19 03SEP Viking

Common Sayings at Hash:

On On: This is the mating call of every hasher in the world, irrespective where you are in the pack, if you find the trail you yell out at the top of your voice ‘ON ON’ so that runners behind you know where the trail lies.

Cheque: The trail finishes at the cheque then starts once again once you find it normally about 75 –100 metres from the cheque.

All cheque: The cheque appears with a big A in the middle. All hashers will wait at this spot for the whole pack and only then will they proceed to find the trail

False Trail: When you find the trail and you call everyone on , you can then cum across two lines marked on the trail. That’s where the trail ends and on back to the cheque.

On Back: We have hit a falsie and the trail ends so ‘On Back’

Are You: Fellow hashers yelling out to the FRB’s as to whether they are on

FRB: Front Running Bastard (Never Slops)

SCB: Short Cutting Bastard (Always Slops)

N.Z: Not New Zealand but Nude Zone. Marking in chalk laid out on the ground. This is a sign through the bush to do a naked dash over a specified distance.

ENZ: This is where the nude zone ends and is also laid out in chalk on the ground.

Circle: The most reverant part of the Down Down ceremony. You do not lean or sit or leave your hat on. It is sacriligous to upset the Religious Adviser during this Oh so holy ceremony!!

AGPU. (Annual General Piss Up). Slops and PNS have to hand over the reigns of the club to some hashers who are going to be here for a little while longer, so this will be the first AGPU in East Timor. So, be there and vote in a new mismanagement

The mismanagement positions are as follows:

Grand Master or the GM
Asst Grand Master or AGM
On Sex – Secretary
R.A or Religious Advisor or GOD
Hash Horn
Beer Master
Hash Cash




down down






Phuck nose

Portugese Hashers

Post run # 12

slops - RA

The hare


Viking & Scrubber

Wee Willy


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