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Run #21


The recent introduction of Day light Saving to Dili was to blame for a smaller turnout than usual. A team of 25 or so gathered at the Dili International Airport for another great Sunday arvo of Hash. LATRINE (now back into the swing of things after his holiday) rolled up in the Rover after marking out the track. This was of concern when thinking of how bloody far the old bastard had made the track.

As we took off up the Comoro A’port road FELIZ and ILEAN set a fast pace, while ACCESSORY and others trotted behind. After finding the direction through the only Roundabout in Dili, the tracks seemed to branch of everywhere. LATRINE had thrown in quite a few falsies. The experienced hare knew how to upset the crowd. Finally a hold check brought the group together. Hashers then started to wonder where the track would take them next. They could see some huge hills in the vicinity of the hold check and sure enough that’s where they were headed. Surprise, Surprise, after a small hill climb the hare had set up a drink point. Hashers were feeling the heat due to running an hour earlier and were glad to see that the track went back down and ON ON to the COMORO Airport. Several Short cutters were down downed at the completion of the run. It is said that WONTHI (Peter Banks) was the ringleader of this group.

Great post run activities were conducted by LATRINE (hare for a shit run). BIG KAHUNA cooked up a feed of curry and rice whilst BABS hosted the hash hymn. Many down downs were had including, WEE WILLIE the RA for never turning up to Hash and the swearing in of 6 newbies



Down Downs:



ACCESORY – For using BABS real name instead of Hash Name

NEWBIES - 6 Newbies

Hash Naming:

Peter Banks - WONTHI

Eddie Bradshaw – ACCESSORY

Cumming Events

30SEP Mandurah 800th

20-22OCT Sydney Bushrangers 700th Wisemans Ferry NSW $120 for the weekend

Cumming Runs: Location:

Run 23 01 OCT Bottoms Up (unofficial) ?

Run 24 08 OCT VB ?

Run 25 15 OCT Feliz Jones ?

Run 26 22 OCT ?

Run 27 29 OCT ?

Run 28 05 NOV ?