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GM: PNS Pete Matthey 0408 289 562
GM: SLOPS Andy Hislop 0417 005 669
RA: SLOPS Andy Hislop 0417005669

Please click on the mailbox if you wish to email PNS Pete Matthey


We’ve seen it all, the GREAT Slops showing this virgin hare how to set a run,and did he ever show her, from the back of a ute ?. We caught them committing one of the most horrible hash crimes known to hashdom. Nobody was driving and Slops was standing in the back with the dribble dropper. The story gets better during the laying of this trail through the countryside, the run had to be on bitumen or dirt roads so that they could set the run from the back of the infamous ute and it was going ok until the dirt road. Now Nobody has never done 4X4 driving before, so through the small bit of shiggy she went at a snails fart so as not to hurt Slops standing in the back but alas who got bogged, so to save face Slops had to fork out a few Rupiahs to the locals to get them out of this mess and back on trail before all their hash mates found them in this compromising situation, and once out, they were off but were eventually caught laying the last few pieces of the trail by the early birds. This is Slops at his best teaching these newby hares how not to lay a trail.

So now the run and what can I say about Slops and Nobody as the crowds turned out in their droves today. We stood around whilst these two laughed before the burst of shit and off we went, what a poofter as we all headed off down the trail to a falsie about 100mts into the run and then back again we went to the On On. Through the scenic sites of this beautiful tropical paradise with our ever vigilant eyes looking for the baddies as we ran through the upper class suburb of Comoro (Mt.Druitt standard).On On was the sound as we found the trail set on this big dog booger(that’s Slops funny way of thinking) ha ha. The locals cum out in their thousands, and if you don’t believe that I counted at least four. On On to a cheque and which way do we go and with Slops wet feet it had to be right. On On and On On and On On and On On we went for stuffin miles. The pack kept pretty well together. Porky was seen chatting all the locals on the way but the thought of an ice cold beer at the end of the run kept pushing everyone to strive. Beer gimme’ beer was the only thing on the minds of all hashers as we rounded onto the track where the ute got bogged and after jumping over it you just had to ponder how it could have happened, there was a cupful of mud if that and Nobody got the whole bloody ute bogged up to the axle. Laugh laugh but this will go down in Puddlejumpers history. The two boggers !!!! ha ha haaaah.. The circle turned out to be big and huge, this being the biggest circle we’ve had so far,Slops working overtime with the ‘Rent a crowd’ organization but I’m really worried about the number of kids. Good crowd but a pity about the content of the run


Down Downs:- John Humphries – New Runner QUIZMASTER

- Diak & Kali – For bringing a Bosnian last week who pissed off.

- Lindsay - A new Kiwi Runner

- Mr Krieger - Hash naming CHLAMYDIA sorry that should be KOALA

- Domonic – Hash name GB or Girls Blouse

- Slops & Nobody – Hares


Cumming Events: Bushrangers 700th Wisemans Ferry NSW 20-22OCT00

Singapore Sunday H3 Run 171 Yanks Day Run

Lion City H3 30JUN00 Canada Day Run

Cumming Runs:

Run 8 – 18JUN PNS & All Night Long – Portuguese HOSP up the hill

Run 9 – 25JUN Diak & Kali

Run10 – 02JUL Scrubber

Run11 – 09JUL Wee Willy & Porky

Run 12 – 16JUL Hubcap

Run 13 – 23JUL Koala

Run 14 – 30JUL PNS & Turtle

Run 15 – 06AUG Bups

Run 16 – 13AUG Slops & Nobodys Revenge Run

Run 17 – 20AUG PNS & GB’s Farewell Run


Pass it on to one and all of the existence of the H3 here in Dili East Timor


On On