
Hello everybody. After coming up with the idea for this fucking page, it's about fucking time that i join eh? yeah, so anyways. here's my interests

Interests!!!!i like stuff, puking, parking my facking car at jagerhaus and having the owner yell at me, taking pictures of my awesome friends puking, ska music, pooing and puking at the same time, rtd, being as dumb as i possible can, stinky poo, picking other peoples noses, playing shows with rTd, benennis, scratching myself in front of girls, eating boogers, taco bell, snowboarding, giving myself a mullet haircut, getting a lot of people to like punk and ska music, throwing things at girls faces (sorry Christina), yelling dumb shit out of cars on the way to burlington, 40's, regular beer too. i hate eric grimes cause he killed me in his stupid story Colin Pearson, George Zorin

DISLIKES: Nick Kaars-Sijpeistijn, people that deny picking their nose, when pee burns, girls, getting screwed over by girls, people who say they will join puke club but then never do.