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Steve's SS Australis Travel Page (1966 to 1976) - A site dedicated to the life and times on board SS Australis, the Chandris lines flagship.

A Tribute to a Great Liner of Yesteryear - Darren Byrnes extensive site about the many lives of SS America.

The SS Australis Home Page  - Ken Ironsides site about the SS Australis.

The International Maritime Ring - A collection of links to sites all with Maritime Themes.

Embark on a Virtual Voyage - Linda Coffman's Collection of some of the best cruise and ocean liner links on the internet.

RHMS Patris - Keiron Murphy presents the Chandris ship Patris.

Photographic memories of working on RHMS Amerikanis & RHMS Britanis  - A wonderful site by Carol Mavroidaki. A celebration of  the times on board another two of Chandris' ships. Lots of great photos.



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