Portable Power Tools - Electric and Pneumatic

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The use of portable power tools is common in the workplace, but so are the hazards assciated with their use. Many workers fail to see the risks, or minimize the amount of risk in their minds when using this type of equipment.

Some of the main hazards with using portable power or air tools are:

* Using the incorrect tool for the job
* Using the wrong type of size of attachment for the job
* Not wearing the proper Personal Protective Equipment
* Rushing through a job
* Overloading circuits
* Abusing equipment
* Not securing the area
* Improper use of extension cords
* Using defective equipment and cords
* Failure to pre-inspect the equipment and cords
* Leaving equipment plugged in when not in use
* Allowing cords to cross high traffic areas or areas where material handling equipment travels
* Not using Ground Fault Circuit Interruptors (as required by law in damp areas)
* Using compressors to blow dust off of clothing (highly illegal and very dangerous)
* Improper storage of equipment
* Not keeping the equipment clean and well maintained

These are just a few of the hazards that are causing tens of thousands of people serious injuries in the workplace. All of these accidnets, injuries and deaths can be easily prevented by following a few simple steps, and keeping safety in the forefront at your workplace.

This program is designed to highlight and recognize these hazards, and to put preventative measures in place to enhance the safety of all concerned. The program focuses on legal responsibilities, personal responsibilities, common practices, and following safe procedures every time a portable electric or air tool is used.

For more information on this program, or any of our other safety programs, contact us at:

Safety 1st
P.O. Box 21044
84 Lynden Rd.
Brantford, Ontario N3R 7W9
Phone: (519) 758-0900
Toll Free: 1-877-251-1172
Fax: (519) 758-0900
E-mail: safety1st@on.aibn.com

website: www.thinksafety1st.com