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Welcome to our kids section!

Baby Chewbacca

Happy Birthday Chewbacca
Here's Chewbacca!
As you can tell, when we meant kids, we meant our dogs.

Chewbacca, a male Chocolate Lab was born on December 18th, 1999, joining the Sekharan family in February 2000. We were lucky enough to find some excellent breeders, Dale and Jim, at Rohontsi Selamat that gave us our first bundle of joy! Please visit them if you are looking for a Labrador Retriever, I highly recommend it!

Macy, a female Border Collie was born sometime in 1998, joining the Sekharan family in February 2001. In searching for a companion for Chewbacca, luck shone down on us again and our family is starting to grow!

And please don't buy from a Pet Store! Always, buy from a reputable breeder or adopt a dog at the Humane Society.

Doggie Treats:

Rohontsi Selamat - Top quality breeders of Labrador Retrievers.
Canadian Kennel Club
Humane Society of Canada
Dog FAQ's - Find answers to commonly asked questions about dogs.
Labrador Retriever Club - Provides information about Labs as well as a listing of breeders.
The Dogpatch Doghouse - A training site for dogs.
Dog Owner's Guide - An excellent site with a variety of topics about dogs.
Dr. P's Dog Training & Behaviour - Focuses on training your new dog/puppy.
Dog-O-Mania - "The biggest dogs related search engine & resource"

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