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Skater 4 Christs Skate Helps :)

Hi! These are my skating helps!

This section is for that grind you're having trouble locking in, or grab you cant quite get, and everything else you want help with! :) This page will slowly start to take shape soon, until i get a substantial amount of skatehelps here.

Soul on a Rail (.gif animation)

HUGE Mute 180 over Stairs (.gif animation)

Kind Grind!(.gif animation)

Backslide(.gif animation)

Topside soul to Kind grind(.gif animation)

360 Mute(.gif animation)

Frontside Grind

Soul Grind

Makio Grind

Miszou Grind

X Grind

Alleyoop Acid Miszou

Unity Grind

If you have any tricks you would like to see added to this list, please email me and I'll see what i can do.