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"Thank you to all..for the kind words, encouragement and the honour of these Awards"

(These Awards are Graphically Intense also, please allow them & the music to load..if your Browser is taking a long time to the Java Applet at the bottom of the page...Thanks)

Rec'd Sept.21 1999 with Appreciation

Shadowmere Link

~Thank you!!My 1st Award!!~

Rec’d Sept.24 1999

Griffins Gate Link

~Thanks Ariel, much appreciated~

Rec'd Oct.6 1999

Lovehaze Link

~Thank You!Lena~

Rec’d Oct.14 1999

~Thanks! Phantasia~

(Link to her on the Banner'z Page)

Rec’d Oct.16 1999

Sir Lancelot Link

~Thanks Sir Lancelot!~ am honoured

Rec'd Oct.23 1999

~^~LilSpring AZ~^~ Link

~*~Thanks LilSpring AZ!~*~

Rec'd Oct.28 1999

~The Fighting Bards Tavern~Link

~*~Thanks Mistress!~*~ enjoyed my visit to the tavern..

Rec'd Nov.12 1999

~Lady Rhiannon ~Link

~*~Thanks, Lady Rhiannon~*~

Rec'd Nov.15 1999

~Charlotte's Web of Fantasy Link~

~*~Thanks Charlotte!!~*~

Rec'd Nov.22 1999

~Mystical Geisha's Realm~

^*^Thank you~Cindy^*^

Rec'd Nov.28 1999

~Illusions Daydream Link~

~*~Thank you !~Inna~*~

Rec'd Dec.3 1999

~Tattoo & Star's Website~

~Thank you !~Tattoo & Star!~

On Dec.5 1999 these Wonderful Honours were bestowed upon me by:

~Ladies of the Myst~

~Thank you Ladies!!!! I am truly Honoured!!!!~

(Check out their great WebRing on the main page)

Rec'd Dec.6 1999

~Thanks Charles~

Rec'd Dec.9 1999

~The Fae Gatekeeper of Dreams Link~

~*~Thank you so much~Euphoria~*~

Apply below and win these awards for your site (on approval).

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Corazon by Vamistlezella

(Sounds alot like Stings "Shape of my Heart??? hmmmmm)