Prom at Waynetucky (Waynesfield)
This is a picture of me in my tux from prom 2000 at Waynesfield. Thier prom sucked worse than any I've ever been to. Plus I wasn't really with anyone fun, so it kinda sucked. But hey, I look good in a tux, huh, I thought so.
I Like This One
This is a picture of Rick mugging Brittnay. She looks like she likes it. Hey Rick, remember from the club, "What can we do about it, there's nothing we can do to control it."
Go Lakers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a picture of Ashleigh, Keesha, and me from one of my Lakers parties a few months back. Those were sweet. The Lakers totally kicked the Sixer's asses, and by the way, thanks for paying up on our $10 bet Zach. Kobe owns you baby! Zach's in the background saluting Alan Iverson after ANOTHER sixers loss.