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Today's Child

what's on your mind?
...about the colour green?

Intellectual Skills


Math Mastery

The Age of Storytelling

photography can be an exciting and inspirational tool for children --providing and reinforcing the academics in a fun way!

Math is the basis of understanding. 
It stands behind the rhythm of speech; it is the basis of music, of art, of science.  
It helps us make sense of our world.

check this book out...
71 Ways to be the Wonderful Fun Parent You Always Knew You Were

  Wow Dad! 71 Ways To Be the...
reviews are great

  • where have the village storytellers gone?
  • why are they so important?
  • how can we build these skills in our children?

Have a look at these activities; help your child develop their creative thinking skills, their problem solving ability, and their storytelling talents!

Reading Readiness

Motor Development


literacy: the key to knowledge

have a look at this page to see the role
motor development plays in enhancing intellectual skills

and don't forget the power of music!!
If you haven't read this before, you will find this fascinating! Search for your favourite Books!

Back to "Today's Child" 

copyright, 1999: Debbie Roswell







KIDS.... what's on your mind about the colour green
What does "green" mean to you? Paint it, describe it, tell a story about it... it's up to you!

SHARE your ideas -- email me, putting COLOUR GREEN in the subject area

**NOTE:  talk to parent or teacher before sending information on the internet***

READ below --what other kids have to say
(there are no submissions at this time)