Yahoo Chat

We, through our exploration of the internet, have discovered a curious thing. It's called yahoo chat. Through this wonderful medium, you can converse with people from all over this glorious planet. Certainly the bounds of distance and diversity can be overcome through simple conversation.

However, we have found that this Yahoo chat also contains many, many lost souls. Those who do not see chatting as a hobby and entertainment, but as a way of life. Those finding anonymous handles have replace true flesh and blood relationships. These poor individuals have lost the spirit.

And we blame it all on Stan!

Yes, once again Stan is responsible for leading the human flock astray. He offers them the temptation of station, a taste of the popularity that escaped them in high school. He offers them an unending flow of friendships with people who will never really hurt them. He gives them the delusion of wit. The overuse of LMfAO and LOL is certainly proof of that. He offers them a false life. Talk about a losers paradise. Um, I mean, it's so sad.

But there is a shining light that has come to pierce the darkness of yahoo chat,,,

Yes, through humor and understanding (cough) we, God's Angels, shall help those who need us the most. We know that god wants us to help these poor chatters. I prayed to god and asked "Please lord, tell me how you feel about yahoo chat, what should we do?". To which god replied "Sister, help those poor chatters. They are complete freakin losers and I'm embarrassed when I go play with the other gods." Then he added mumbling "That damn Stan, I'm going to kick his ass at recess." I don't know how much of that last part was intended for my ears so,,,anyway who are we to go against god. We have excepted this mission and will do our best to save whoever needs it. Watch out Stan, we're coming!
Love and sloppy kisses, God's Angels

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