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Wrestlers I got 2 meet!

Saturday, August 28, 1999
Edge, Christian and Test
It was It was the Friday night, the night before the signing, I was watching a movie with my mom when I looked outside to check the weather. The weather was pretty good, it was not to cold a little windy but nothing to bad. I planed to meet my friend Chantele at 4:00am because the signing started at 10:00am and we wanted to be the first peoplein line. I could not stop thinking about going, and then around 11:00pm I realised that I need a camera to take some pictures of the Edge, Christian and Test. Lucky for me there is a Day and Night store right across the street. So I went and got a camera, the ones you can re-use. When I got home I went to sleep for a few hours, I got back up at 2:30am and I thought what the hell, I will go now. By the time I got to Toy”R”us it was 3:00am and all the people who were working the night shift though I was nuts for coming so early. I did not care what they though I wanted to be the first in line. It was now 4:00am and I was told that the line was at the side of the building and not in the front. So I went to the side and met up with some girls who had been there from 2:00am. It was 4:30 when my friend Chantele came, she was late (that’s a shocker). I was not mad because I had been killing time talking to those girls. When Chantele got to meet the girls that I was talking to we all started to play a wrestling game to see how much each other knew about wrestling. It was soon 8:30 and line started to build up and people behind us started to talking to us about other wrestlers they have got to meet. It was now 9:30 and they let us into the store. All the fans stood there for a half a hour before the wrestlers came out. I was at the front of the line and I heard the people in the back start to yell, so I knew it was time! Edge was the first one to walk out then Christian and Test. When they were told we had been there since 3:00am they gave us extra time. I got them to sign my Canadian flag because they were all Canadians. I told Edge that Canadians kicks ass, he said that I was right about that. The girls that were in front of me did not get to see the nicer side of Christian, because I think he just woke up. I went up to him and as he was signing my flag I took a picture of him. Then he seamed to be wide-awake, so that was cool. I think that Test was hung over but he was still nice to me. And that is the story of me getting to meet these 3 wrestling supper stars.

Here are some pics from when I met them. They did not turn out good because the camera was a out door camera and it was in doors.