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About me, oZ

Info about oZ...

oZ’s Bio

When you here me call myself oZ you must think that I am weird because I do not use my real name. I was born in Canada, December 20, 1983. Which is just 5 days before Christmas. Most people think that it sucks to have your birthday in December because you always get Birthday/Christmas gifts. Well not one time in my life has that happened to me. When December comes along I get every thing that I ask for(J.J). As of late got my driver license, which is cool. Well know let’s go deep into my life. When I was a kid my grandmother (On my mothers side) and I use to watch wrestling together. This was bad for my mom because she never did like wrestling. When I was in grade 2 my grandmother died and so did my love for wrestling. I started to get into racing (cars) I had been going to the race track with my family before I was even a fully formed. I was into racing for a long time but when I was 13 I started hanging out with some people who liked wrestling. So I knew what they were talking about I also started to watch it. I would only watch WWF because I think that WCW sucks. Well later down the road in life when I was about 14 I saw how big of losers the people I was hanging out with were. So I just stop taking to them, but did not stop watching wrestling. Then I meet some people from school that also liked wrestling, so we started to hang out. One of them I had known for some time because my step-mom and his mom were good friends as kids. I still hang out with them today.
I got into the Internet because a friend had her own web page and I though that was cool, and I did not know that a person could have his or her own page . I started out with just an email address, but that was not good enough for me, I started to make my own web page, I don't think that there was a page as bad as mine. But I did not stop working on it and I think that I have a good page.
That is all that I have to say about my self so I hope that you know a little more about me oZ.