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XWF - CCW Crossover Matches Archive

For the First time ever the XWF and CCW had an interfederation match! THe Chosen One Jessy Jones the XWF champion Faced the Undefeated King of the Gimmick Matches Sleazy Richards. this was a 2 out of 3 falls count anywhere, hardcore match!

The match begun with a bang and was in favor of Jones till Sleazy came out with a Russian leg sweep!
Then Sleazy brings out a baking device and smashes Jones in the head.
Then the tables turned and Sleazy was in control, Smashes Jones with a chair.
Then Jones grabs the chair and gets it booted back into his face!
Jones was busted open! ANd then Sleazy Choked Jones this the electrical cords.
Jones turned the tables again with a piledriver!
Then Still Bleeding
The Chosen One hits the Shot on Sleazy on a steel chair!
Then Gets the first 1-2-3.
But from there the Match start to fall apart for the Chosen one, Jones when for a double axe handle...
And was caught by sleazy and Rock Bottomed! Sleazy then covered and got a 1-2-3. The Match was now tied! 1-1
SLeazy then dropped an elbow!
And took out his HARDCORE pop tabs!! Jones then reversed it and dropped Sleazy on em!
Jones then took advantage, and slapped on his finishing submission manuver. the Figure 4!
Screaming Sleazy could do nothing but tap out and end his undefeaten streak! Jones wins and takes his title back to the XWF!
We should wait and see maybe more Interfed matches in the future!!
1 Title
2 Men
69 Mins
Only 1 can survive!
The Chosen One Jessy Jones Vs Hollywood Phil Chester
In an Ironman MAtch
July 16th Only One Victor!
CCW Title/XWF Title Match
Title For Title
July 16th the Hell in a Cell was the location of SummerJob, the CCW PPV, This was the most anticipated match in CCW history, with both men promising to take each other to the limit. Hollywood Phil Chester stalled as much as possible by doing a lot of dancing and show boating and taking drinks from his bottle of vodka he brought to the ring with him. Jessy Jones finally got pissed off and attacked Chester. The action went back and forth, with both men beating the living piss out of each other. Chester had the advantage, however, of having his son Orgazmo as the referee and CWO member Steve Pickering as the score keeper. This gave Chester the opportunity to have The Chosen One disqualified whenever he wanted, thus giving him more points. After about twenty minutes of action, both men broke out of the Hell in a Cell, where Jones hit Chester with a pop can, and Chester hit Jones with a watermelon. The action made it’s way down the hill behind the cage after about thirty five minutes of action. With the score being 11 – 10 for Chester, Hollywood decided he had enough, and turned the clock ahead to sixty-five minutes. With four minutes left, Chester was pretty confident he was going to win, when out of nowhere, a masked assassin appeared and shot Chester in the chest. With blood pouring out of his mouth and chest, Phil Chester died, again. Jones tried to pin him, but a upset Orgazmo refused to count any more pins. The time limit ran out, and a dead Phil Chester was declared the winner and new XWF Champion. As soon as Chester’s theme music came on, he miraculously came back to life, reviving himself with some vodka, and celebrated his victory. A fellow Commentator Adam Contant claimed it all to be a ruse! a cwo Concocted RUSE!
Chester, pissed off that the last match was ruined because of the assassin, so Chester decided to defend his new XWF Championship against Jones in an impromptu match. The Chose One quickly defeated Chester after a devastating power bomb. After the match, both men shook hands, and walked away with their titles.

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