Reunions / Part 9
When Willow got off the phone with Robin she called Giles. She told him everything, everything she had learned and everything she was guessing at too. Told him what she’d done and what she planned to do. She told him about her conversation with Robin. She also told him what she didn’t know. Willow was crying again before she was half-way finished. She told him some more about the little girl and how much Spike loved her. She also told him that apparently all of the kids with Spike were orphans.
But that didn’t explain the girls ’special abilities’. She couldn’t be a slayer though, all of the ones they’d found, all around the world, had been born before Willow had worked the ‘Awakening’ spell with the Guardians Scythe, and none had been born after that date. The girl, no, Joy, just wasn’t old enough, and she didn’t give off any slayer vibes either.
Giles had told her to keep trying to gather information. He could only give her one, two days at the most, before he had to tell Buffy that Spike was alive.
When Willow finished talking to Giles, she washed her face to take some of the puffiness out of her eyes and joined the girls in the living room. They had all been working on their lists, scratching out duplicates and adding other things as they thought of them. When they saw that Willow had been crying they stopped and waited for her to speak.
When Willow saw their concern she smiled at them the best she could in her current state. “Sorry guy’s. I’ve become all ‘emotional girl’ from lack of sleep lately. Nothings wrong, honest.” All of the slayers let out sighs of relief.
“I really hate to do this, I know you guy’s are just as tired as I am, but we have to push on a little longer. What I’d like for us to do is go out and get all the stuff on our lists this morning or by early afternoon anyway. Then all of us come back here, eat, and get some rest before we go out again tonight. But first, Sara, remember when I asked you to trade the car in for an SUV? Forget it, I want you to get four of them.” All of the girls looked at her as if she had grown another head.
Willow smiled a real smile at their reaction. “No, I’m not crazy, honest. Giles has told Robin to send out some more girls in the next day or two. I don’t know how many that will be, but probably eight or more. Whatever the number, we’ll need more cars so we might as well get them now. If we find out we don’t need them all we can take one or two back later. But if you all go with Sara, you can each leave from the rental place with your ‘SUV thingy’ and have plenty of room for what your going to buy today.” Willow smiled again at her own reference to the SUV joke and the girls returned her smile. “I’ll stay here and make some phone calls. One of you can come back and pick me up later.”
Just as she finished with her last statement her cell phone rang. When she answered, it was Dawn on the other end. She told Willow her plane should be landing in about an hour and to send someone to get her. Willow told her she would and hung up.
“Change of plans, already” she told them. “Vi, you drop the girls off at the rental place and go pick up Dawn at the airport, she should be landing by the time you get there. Then go back to the rental place and swap the car for an SUV, that Sara will have already arranged for, then bring Dawn back here. She may want to crash out due to jet lag, I don’t know, but the two of us can go out and do our shopping together.”
Vi dropped the girls off and went to the airport and parked in one hour parking. Dawns flight was still up in the air when she got there so she went to the boarding gate to wait for her. By the time the plane landed and they got Dawn through security and picked up her luggage it was already ten minutes past the one hour limit so Vi had to pay for the extra hour, even though the plane landing late wasn’t their fault. When they got to the car rental place all the other girls were long gone and a shiny new black SUV was sitting out front waiting for them. But, of course, the guy from the Service Dept. had to come out and check the car out to make sure there wasn’t any damage to the car, which took another half hour.
By the time they got to the hotel Dawn was cranky as hell with jet lag, she couldn’t sleep on an airplane, and wanted a shower, food and sleep, in that order. When she got to the room she gave Willow a hug and a kiss, asked her to have room service send up something to eat, and headed toward Willows room to take a shower. Willow made the call, then headed out with Vi to do their shopping.
Six hours later, a little past 4PM, Willow and Vi returned, both of them dragging their tails behind them. All of the other girls had returned already and were in their rooms sleeping the sleep of the dead. Vi headed for her room immediately and Willow went to hers. When she got there, Dawn was sleeping in her bed. She quietly took off her cloths and slipped into the bed next to Dawn. Her head barely hit the pillow and she was sound asleep.
Five hours later Vi came into the room and woke Willow up. Told her what time it was, that everyone else was up and dressed and room service would have their dinners up in fifteen or twenty minutes. Willow got out of the bed and went into the bathroom and stood in an ice cold shower to wake herself up, then got dressed. Room service was just bringing the food in on carts so she didn’t say anything out loud about the way Dawn was dressed until after they were gone. Once gone, she couldn’t hold it in any longer and burst out her surprise. “Dawn, what in the name of all the Gods are you wearing.”
Dawn flashed Willow her sexiest leer and replied “It’s for Spike! He’ll like it!”
Willow didn’t argue with her, she definitely knew that she ‘liked it’, a lot. The thought ran through her mind that this was the true ‘real’ test for Spike. If his mouth didn’t drop down and hit the floor he truly was one of the living dead, at least from the neck up.
At 10:00 they left the hotel suite and went down the back stairs to the parking lot and got into the SUV’s. Willow got into one of them with Sara, Dawn got into one with Nicky. They left the parking lot in a caravan, everyone following Sara. Willow told her where to go and they made two stops. The first was a famous restaurant that claimed to make the best half pound double cheese burgers and fries in the world. When they got there the last sandwich was just coming off the grill and being packed into special Styrofoam boxes. Willow paid the owner and gave him a bonus for staying open for them after his normal closing hours.
They then drove to a Baskin-Robins and picked up five two and a half gallon containers of ice cream, fifty bowls and spoons, and a couple of ice cream scoops. Plus ten six packs of soda, that the manager had gone out special to buy and had kept in the ice cream freezer all evening to get them extra cold, and loaded them in one of the SUV’s. Willow paid the manager the agreed on exorbitant price, plus a nice bonus for waiting for them after the store had closed for the night. When the last item was loaded Sara led the caravan out and drove in the direction of Spikes warehouse.
They didn’t go directly to the warehouse because Willow insisted that they circle at least a half mile out in all directions while she scanned the area for vampires, demons or any other kind of mystical creatures. She poured her full concentration into the scan while they circled. When she was certain that there was nothing within a mile of the warehouse that they had to worry about she told Sara to go. Sara speeded up and led the other SUV’s to the warehouse and drove straight inside without slowing down until she was well inside. Then using just her parking lights to see by she drove as close to the stairs that led down to the passage to Spikes secret room as she could get before stopping.
Spike had been expecting them and had most of the kids with him, except the youngest. But seeing four black SUV’s had put a scare into him. He had been expecting Willow to show up in the car she had used before and maybe have one other car or van with her to help carry things. Willow jumped out of her car and popped one of her glowing lights into the air to hover over her head.
When Spike was certain that it wasn’t a trap he stepped out of the dark and entered the light. Willow walked over to him with the light following over her head, putting him into full light with her. He looked Willow over and looked closely at the two nearest SUV’s and could see that it was Vi and the slayer Sara behind the wheels. He couldn’t see as well into the SUV’s further back because the light from Willows glow ball was overwhelming his eyes. But he figured four girls, four SUV’s, everything was probably alright and signaled to his kids who were still staying back in the dark. Within moments about twenty-five of the kids had moved into the light and were peeking through the SUV’s windows to see what they were carrying.
Willow gave Spike a big smile and waving one of her hands at the SUV’s said loud enough for everyone to hear, “Everything in them is for you and your kids. Plus we’ve got hot cheese burgers and fries and cold soda and ice cream, enough for everybody. It’ll take more than one trip to move everything, so we better hurry before the burgers get cold and the ice cream hot!”
Spike stopped the kids before they could move forward to unload the SUV’s. “If you trust us to drive those monsters the kids can take them to a secret freight lift we got working. They can have it all moved and unloaded almost as fast as the rest of us can walk the distance.” Spike gave Willow a piercing look to see if she would do it.
Willow didn’t even hesitate, she called out loudly “Come on out girls, the kids are going to take care of everything.”
Spike heard doors opening on the SUV’s and could see some of his older boys getting behind the wheels. The largest part of the kids started running off into the dark and the two closest SUV’s engines started up and followed them without turning on their lights. When the other two SUV’s started up and moved off into the dark of the warehouse, Spike noticed something for the first time. Willows group had consisted of her and four slayers the times they had been here before. He could tell that there were five girls with Willow now and this concerned him. He was leery of surprises, they usually bit you on the ass.
As he watched the girls farthest back he noticed one in particular. She was taller than the rest. As she moved toward him and the light he could see that she was wearing some kind of costume or something. She had on tight black leather pants, knee high high-heeled boots and a bright red sash tied around her waist with a wooden stake thrust through it. She was also wearing what looked like a black and red silk and satin corset that was only half laced up in front that exposed a lot more than it appeared to cover and a black leather bolero jacket. She had long dark hair that had several red ribbons hanging down in streamers and she was smiling at him as she walked toward him.
Spike was shocked to say the least and his mouth did drop open, which for Willow was definite proof that he was as alive as ninety percent of the other men in this world. The other ten percent of the men in the world would have been dropping their jaws to the floor looking at him, in his tight black leathers, pale white skin and bleached blonde hair.
“Oh” she said with a smirk on her face, “we brought you a surprise.”
Minor revisions 12/04
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