
As Cordelia came down the stairs to the main lobby she noticed how quiet it was in the hotel. She knew that Wesley was out doing some research for Angel, but where was Angel? Where was Gunn? She knew where Fred was, still hiding out in her room. Cordelia had just taken her some dinner. That girl was really strange Cordelia thought to herself, all those years living as a slave or in a cave away from human contact, and here she was now, living in L.A., the greatest city in the world, and she's still hiding. Something has got to be done about that girl.

When she got down to the lobby she headed for the office to see if Gunn or Angel were in there working. When she got there she saw that the room was empty. She looked around and saw a note on the desk and walked over to read it. It had been written by Gunn and was hard to read, but it looked like it said, "Wes called, got case, going to meet him." "Well damn" Cordelia thought to herself, "Why didn't they call me, I was just upstairs!"

"Now what am I suppose to do?" she said to herself. As she said this she looked around the office and saw the stack of bills that needed to be paid. "God, I hope this is a paying job they went out on, we really need the money." Just then she heard someone come in the front door and left the office to see who it might be. When she got to the front desk she looked around, but didn't see anyone. "I could have sworn I heard someone." she said to herself. Thinking about that she moved over to the lobby desk and put her hand on the loaded crossbow that they kept there, just in case. "Is anyone there?" she called out. Hoping there wasn't, but afraid there was. She then caught a slight movement out of the corner of her eye, over by the pillars by the front door, she lifted the crossbow out from under the desk and called "Who's there?"

As Cordelia swung the crossbow toward the shadow by the door, someone stepped out. It was Buffy Summers, of all people. "What are you doing here?" Cordelia asked, with a bit of an edge in her voice.

"Hello to you too Cordelia" Buffy replied quietly.

"Well, damn it Buffy, you scared me hiding like that" Cordelia said. "Why didn't you answer when I called?"

Cordelia noticed that Buffy was dressed all in black. She even had a black scarf covering her hair and most of her face. She was also wearing gloves and black socks. This is strange Cordelia thought to herself, Buffy doesn't wear socks, ever.

As Buffy hung back, still in the shadows, she said "I'm sorry Cordelia, I just wanted to see if anyone else was with you."

"No, it's just me, and Fred upstairs. Everyone else is out on a case." Cordelia replied. "Why are you hiding back there?"

"I'm not hiding, I just didn't want anyone to see me." Buffy replied.

"Isn't that the same thing?" Cordelia asked..

"I guess it is." Buffy said, as she walked out into the light where Cordelia could see her.

When Buffy got out into the light Cordelia could see that there was something wrong with her. Something wrong with the way she looked. Her skin wasn't right. In shock Cordelia realized that she looked scally.

"What happened to you?" Cordelia exclaimed.

"It's a long story." Buffy replied.

Buffy sat down with Cordelia out in the lobby and spent the next forty minutes explaining to her what had happened. How there had been a particularly nasty pack of demons hold up in a sewer system that were attacking people. How she and Willow and Xander had fought them, and how she had been injured by one of them. She told Cordelia how the scaliness of her skin had started spreading out from the injury several days after she was injured and how the injury refused to heal. It had just been a small puncture in her leg, and Willow had disinfected it right away, but it didn't seem to help. Buffy told her how they had tried different ointments. How Willow and Tara had tried several spells, one of which they almost lost control of it was so powerful. She also told Cordelia that Giles had left for England two days after the injury and couldn't get back for several more days, he hadn't know about it when he left, so Buffy had come to L.A. thinking she could talk to Wesley. To see if he knew anything about these demons and if he knew how to cure her.

"Gee Buffy, I don't know when Wesley is going to be back." Cordelia told her. "I mean, I guess he will be back sometime tomorrow, but I don't know if he will be back tonight. Angle and Gunn went to meet him somewhere to work on a case. They didn't even tell me where they were going, much less when they will be back. I'm sorry!"

"She looks like a Refex demon" a female voice from above said. Buffy and Cordelia looked up and could see someone hiding behind a marble banister one floor up. As they stared up, Fred shyly stood up where they could see her.

"I'm sorry for eavesdropping" Fred said in a quite, timid voice. "That's what I do, sorta, hide and listen."

"Fred, come on down here" Cordelia said to her in a gentle voice. As Fred started down the steps Cordelia asked her "Do you know anything about these Reflex demons?"

"Refex demon" Fred responded in a low voice. She turned to Buffy, but not looking her directly in the eyes. "Were they real tall, like seven feet, with sorta gray-green scales and three eyes?" Fred asked.

Buffy stood there looking at Fred for a moment, then nodded her head. "Yeah, and long arms with big heavy claws on their hands" she told them.

"That's them. They must have clawed you, because if they had bit you, you would already be dead" Fred informed her.

"Where did you learn about Refex demons?" Cordelia asked her.

"Well, when you stay in your room a lot, you do a lot of reading. I borrowed some of Wesleys books awhile back." Fred told her while blushing. "He won't get mad will he?" she asked Cordelia with concern in her voice.

"No Fred, he won't get mad" Cordelia told her, as she gently put an arm around Fred's shoulders and gave her a hug. "But, do you remember what the books said, about these demon things?" Cordelia asked.

"Oh sure" Fred replied. Fred then spent the next ten minutes telling them about the demons, what they eat, how they reproduce, and about the poison they carry in their teeth and claws. She told them that if the demons had bit Buffy she would have died in a few hours. But with the claws, it would take a lot longer to kill her.

"You mean I'm going to die?" Buffy asked with a quiver in her voice.

"Well, that depends," Fred responded, looking Buffy in the eyes for the first time. "There is a cure, if you want to take it, but it has some side effects you might not like."

"You mean there's something I might not like, more than dying?" Buffy asked her.

"Well, there is a potion" Fred told her, blushing very redly. "We have all the ingredients, I sorta checked when I was reading about them. The potion kinda acts as a really strong aphrodisiac on whoever takes it. The thing about it is that whoever takes it sorta becomes overwhelmed with a desire for sex." Fred was blushing so badly her face was turning beet red. "If the victim doesn't get enough sex, they die anyway."

Buffy sat there with a stunned look on her face for several minutes. Cordelia sat there looking at Fred, then at Buffy, then at Fred again.

"Ah, Fred" Cordelia asked, "What happens to the people that have sex with the victim. I mean is she going to kill them or something?"

"No, no, that won't happen, probably." Fred responded. "Mostly she is going to just wear them out. But see that's the problem. They have to wear her out, for the potion to work. If she doesn't have a lot of orgasms and become totally worn out, she will die." Fred was so embarrassed by this time she was almost curled up in a fetal position.

"So" Buffy said, "I have a choice. I either don't take the potion, and die. Or I do take the potion, but if I can't find someone to fuck my brains out, I'm going to die anyway. Is that right?"

"Yeah" Fred responded in a quite voice.

Buffy sat there with a lost kind of look on her face. This wasn't the kind of problem she was use to dealing with as a slayer.

"Okay" Cordelia said loudly. "How long does she have before she has to do this Fred?"

"Well the sooner the better" Fred told her. "The way the scaling is spreading, she doesn't have a whole lot of time left."

"Okay Fred, you get the potion together. I'll take care of the rest of it." Cordelia told them both.

As Fred headed off for the back room of the hotel to do what Cordelia had told her to do. Buffy sat there looking at Cordelia.

"And just how are you going to take care of the rest of it, Cordelia?" Buffy asked.

"I always wanted to know if you were the supergirl you claimed to be" Cordelia responded with a smile.

After about twenty minutes Fred came back to the lobby carrying a big bowl of a brownish-green liquid. Cordelia motioned her up the stairs, then took Buffy by the arm and started leading her up the stairs. Cordelia led them up to the forth floor of the hotel to a large room that had dozens of mattresses stacked against the walls. She motioned Buffy to help her and started moving the mattresses around the room, laying them down side by side. When they were done, one end of the room was wall to wall mattresses, about twenty feet wide by twenty-five feet long. There were extra mattresses propped against the walls, just in case. Cordelia then left the room, but was back in about five minutes with a medium sized travel bag. When Fred went over to look into the bag she started blushing profusely. The bag was full of dildos, vibrators, and jars of ointments and creams. When Buffy looked into the bag she turned to Cordelia and said, "And just what are you going to do with all of those toys Cordelia?"

"Well Buffy" Cordelia said, "The choice is yours. You can die, or Fred and I are going to make you have so many orgasms your brains are going to turn to mush. Your Choice."

Buffy stood there for a few moments looking at Cordelia, then started taking her cloths off.

"You too, Fred" Cordelia said to Fred. "I can't do this all by myself, and your the one who came up with the cure."

Fred started blushing again, but started taking her cloths off. Cordelia started undressing and in a couple of minutes all three of the young ladies were naked. Fred picked up the bowl and carried it out to the middle of all the mattresses. Cordelia picked up her bag of toys and followed her. Buffy was the last to join them.

Buffy knelt down on one of the mattresses, then asked Fred, "Okay, now what do we do? Do I have to drink that whole bowl of glop?"

"No, not all of it, but you will have to drink some of it. The rest we will have to smear all over your body, where ever the scales are, it would be best to cover all of you, that's why I made so much." Fred told her seriously.

Buffy sat there for a minute looking at the two other women. Cordelia was bigger than Buffy, by a little bit, but her breasts were much larger, and very firm. Her stomach was flat and hard, her hips were in perfect proportion to the rest of her body, she had an almost perfect ass, and her pussy was completely shaven, except for one little tuft of hair, just above her pussy. Fred was thin, with small pointy breasts, but very nice and very pink nipples that were already erect. She had a narrow waist and small hips, but her ass was in perfect proportion and looked very firm and smooth. Freds pussy was completely shaven, not a hair anywhere, almost like a young teenaged girl. Buffy looked down at herself. Her breasts were young and firm, smaller than Cordelia's, but larger than Fred's. She knew she had a narrow waist and good hips, her ass was firm, and like Fred, her pussy was shaven perfectly smooth. Except for the scaling effect on her body she knew she was a match for both of the other women, and because of her constant conditioning, maybe even better.

Fred motioned Buffy to lay down, then dipped a cup into the potion in the bowl. She handed the cup to Buffy and motioned her to drink it. Buffy closed her eyes, tipped her head back and drank down the whole cup at one draft. Buffy then laid down on the mattress, between Cordelia and Fred. Fred took the cup, scooped up more potion and poured it over Buffys breast and stomach. She motioned Cordelia to start rubbing it in while she scooped up some more and poured it on Buffys hips and leg. She then started rubbing it in, all over Buffys body. Fred kept scooping more of the potion up and pouring it on Buffy. They rolled her over and rubbed it into her back and shoulders, her hips, her ass, between her legs, all up and down her legs and feet. They then rolled her front side up again and poured the potion on her again and rubbed it into every inch of Buffys body.

After ten minutes of this, Cordelia and Fred had almost as much of the potion smeared over their arms and legs, breasts and stomachs as they had smeared on Buffy. As they worked the potion into Buffys skin they could see a reaction. The scally patches seemed to suck up the potion and absorb it. Buffy skin started to take on a kind of golden glow, very faint, but still noticeable.

Buffy was also starting to react to the potion she had drank. She started feeling warmer and warmer. Her skin was tingling all over, especially wherever the hands of the other two women were rubbing her body. Her eyes seemed to see better, her hearing seemed to pick up every sound, especially the breathing of the women, she thought she could hear their hearts beating. Her since of smell became acute. She could smell the faint aroma of the soap that Cordelia had bathed with that day. She could also smell the aroma of the juices that were secreting from both Cordelia's and Fred's pussy's. She could even smell herself. Her sense of taste suddenly seemed to be able to pick the taste of the pheromones out of the air that the other women were sending out. The taste of the potion, which had tasted very badly at first, now tasted like a fine wine. Everything about her was alive, as she had never felt before.

Buffy wasn't the only one that the potion was having and effect on either. Both Fred and Cordelia were starting to feel it's effects, from rubbing it all over Buffy and getting it on themselves. Fred took a half cup of the potion and poured it over Cordelias breasts, then reached across Buffy and started to rub it in. Cordelia scooped up some potion in her hand and smeared it across Freds breast. Buffy laying there between the two women reached up with both hands and started rubbing both of their breasts. Cordelia poured some of the potion on her breasts, then bent over Buffy and started rubbing them in her face. Buffy took hold of Cordelia and started licking and sucking on her breasts. Fred poured some potion directly on Buffys pussy then bent and rubbed her face in the potion and in Buffys pussy. She pulled Buffys legs apart and started licking and sucking her pussy.

All three of the women seemed to be in a frenzy. They were rubbing their hands all over each other. Sticking their fingers into each others pussys. Kissing and licking each others breasts. Kissing each others lips, sucking each others tongues. Rubbing every part of their bodies against every part of each others bodies.

Fred and Cordelia were giving almost as much attention to each other as they were giving to Buffy. Each of them had kissed and licked Buffy all over her body. But Buffy was doing the same to both of them. She had kissed their lips, their faces, she had kissed and licked and sucked their breasts. She had fingered their pussys and licked the juices from her finger, she had licked an sucked their pussys until they came, pouring cum into her mouth so that sh could taste it and swallow it.

Fred and Cordelia were doing the same to Buffy, every inch of her body they licked, kissed and sucked. Fred spread the cheeks of Buffys beautiful ass and played her tongue around and around the little button of her asshole, making Buffy squeal with pleasure as her body rocked with orgasm after orgasm. Several times Cordelia would work her tongue deep into Buffys pussy, working it in and out. Buffy was amazed by how long Cordelia tongue was, as she worked it in and out of Buffys pussy, licking and sucking, probings deeper and deeper, it seemed as if it was a strong sinuous cock fucking her pussy.

Again and again the women made love to each other, bringing each other to orgasm after orgasm. All three of the women were using the dildos and vibrators on each other, when they weren't using their fingers and tongues. They couldn't get enough of each other. Their energy and their ability to have orgasm after orgasm seemed endless. But with both Cordelia and Fred working on Buffy more than on each other, Buffy was by far having the most orgasms of the three. She couldn't get enough of eating the pussys of the other two women, but with both of them working on her so much of the time, she kept cumming and cumming and cumming. At one point she licked the last of the potion out of the bowl to give her more energy, which led her to more orgasms that she thought was humanly possible.

It was already past sunrise when Buffy finally collapsed and couldn't respond anymore. Her body was completely drained, and completely satisfied. Cordelia and Fred were near total collapse themselves. They had given everything to keep Buffy responding and having her orgasms. They had in fact had so many of their own orgasms that they didn't believe it was possible. Fred wasn't a virgin, but she had never experienced anything like what had happen that night before. Cordelia, more experienced than Fred, and a great lover of her toys, had never in her life had such an incredible night. Her body was glowing with satisfaction.

Buffy had curled up on her side and was sound to sleep. Cordelia got up and found some blankets and draped one over Buffy. Fred couldn't stand, but was sitting on the mattress with the biggest smile Cordelia had ever seen on her face. She went over and sat down next to Fred and put her arms around her. She looked Fred in the eyes then pulled Freds head to her and kissed her lovingly on the lips. Fred responded and returned the kiss. The kiss lasted longer and longer, they both started touching each other again. They lay back down on the mattress next to Buffy. Cordelia turned herself around so that her pussy was in Freds face and she had her face in Freds pussy. They both started kissing and licking each others pussys and working their fingers in and out of each other. After a few minutes of intense oral sex, licking and sucking each others clitoris, probing their tongues deep into each other, they both reached orgasm at the same time. Now totally spent, Cordelia grabbed the blanket she had dropped earlier and wrapped it around Fred and herself so that they could snuggle spoon fashion and go to sleep.

The three women slept the whole day away. Being up on the forth floor, far away from anyone else, no one knew they were there or apparently came looking for them. It was after sundown when Cordelia finally awoke. She still had Fred in her arms, and Buffy had turned sometime during the day and was laying with her face just inches from Freds. Buffy had thrown off her blanket at some time and was laying there totally naked and totally exposed. Cordelia looked her over and could not see any sign that any of the scaling remained.

Cordelia carefully and quietly separated herself from Fred and moved out from under the blanket. She then got up and tip toed out of the room, still naked. She was gone for about ten minutes, then came back into the room carrying a cooler. She set it down near the other two women, knelt between them and gave them both a little shake. She had to do it a couple of times before Buffy opened her eyes and yawned. Fred opened her eyes, took a deep breath and smiled at both of the other women. Cordelia opened the cooler and pulled out cold fruit drinks for both of them. They both sat up, still naked, but totally unconcerned about it. They took the fruit drinks and Cordelia handed each of them a sandwich to eat. All three of them started eating like they were starving to death, they each had three sandwiches and two fruit drinks each before they were satisfied.

As they sat there quietly, not saying anything, each of them kept smiling at each other. After several minutes like this Cordelia finally said, "Well from what I can see, it looks like the potion worked."

Buffy looked down at her body, looked at her arms, between her legs and could find no trace of the scaling. Even the injury, which had not healed since the night it happened was gone.

"I don't know how to thank you guys for what youv'e done for me" Buffy said sincerely.

"I do" said Cordelia, with a wicked smile on her face as she sat there looking at Buffys body, licking her lips and leering comically.

"Should I go make some more potion" asked Fred, also with a big smile on her face.

Buffy got up on her knees and walked on them over to Cordelia and Fred, "I don't think so" Buffy said to both of them, "We'll make our own magic tonight." She then leaned in to Cordelia and gave her a long deep kiss. She then turned to Fred and gave her a kiss.

"There's just one thing Buffy," Cordelia said with a smile, "After all the years you've known me, I think it's time you called me Cordy, don't you?"

"Yes Cordy, I think it is" Buffy said laughingly, "I truly think it is." Buffy then put her arms around Cordy again and gave her a long deep kiss to seal the bargain.

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