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"There's no such thing as hopeless if you believe" -Joe Nichols "The Impossible"-

UPDATE - It is with great sadness that this update is written...

On Monday, April 26, 2004, Erin passed away peacefully at home in her Mother's arms surrounded by her family.

Mass of the Resurrection was held on Friday April 30. Erin was laid to rest in the St. Joseph's Cemetery in Orleans, Ontario.

Erin wanted to sincerely thank all those who were involved in the Great Bear Hug. I had a miraculous experience over the Christmas holidays and I finally have it here on my site! Enjoy :) I thought these two presentations were very inspiring...
Life isn't measured by the breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away." -Anonymous- ** CLICK ON THUMBNAILS FOR LARGER PICTURE**
Miscellaneous Ciar Tree and I Me with my old hair Me in my wig Me in old room New Room Me in new room :) On our way to the Junos
Liana and Willie Me Tree me and Ciar Grade 12 School Pic- Me with friends Jan. 04
Out for dinner on Ciar's Bday - March 2004 - hanging out at my house with "Paco" , my meds pump which is always connected to me!
Professionl Photos - Jan. /03 Sens Game - Jan /03 Thanks to my Dad's work (X-Wave) I got a box at a Sens game so I brought 12 friends with me. Afterwards a couple of us got to meet some of the team... Me and Lindsay-> Me, Lindz and Hossa!-> Me, Lindz and Lalime-> Read my Dreambook guestbook!
Sign my Dreambook!
Older Dreambook entries...
Read my Dreambook - Apr 28, 04 to May 4, 04
Read my Dreambook - Apr 21, 04 to Apr 28, 04
Read my Dreambook - Jan, 04 to Apr 21, 04
Read my Dreambook - Aug, 02 to Jan 20, 04
