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About Me

Just another addy:

My names Hannah and I'm 16 yrs old. I live with my parents, 2 sisters & 1 brother on a large sheep farm in the hills of New Zealand (The small country down beside Australia). We have 3 horses (Kaine, Goldie & Trev). Kaine is my horse and you can read all about him in "Meet Kaine". Also we have 3 rabbits, 4 Farm Dogs, 1 Fox terrier, 6 hens, 2 cats, about 2000 sheep & 25 cattle.

I ride English and mostly hack (pleasure riding) and I get dressage lessons and also jump. This season I started Pony Club which I really enjoy! I compete now & then which I luv, but hopefully more now we have a horse float. I have been riding for all of my life as we have always had Polly-anna with us until when we sold her in August. Dad brought her as a 4 year old and she's now 27! I learnt to ride on her -check out this photo of me & Polly about 7 years ago! We got Goldie when I was 9/10 years old. Couple of years later I got Kaine since I had out grown Goldie. My other interests besides horses are; athletics, tennis, outdoors, emailing, skiing etc. If you wanna know whats happening in my life these days go check out my blog which I try to update as often as possible! If you are interested in being "e-pals" with me please email me :o)

This is my first site and when I first started this page (back in February 2002) I had no idea about html! I created this site just for fun and to share my love for horses with the world. Well I hope you enjoy it & check out everything!

About Me
Health File