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The Isle of Wight

Hospital Broadcasting Association.

Bringing Music, Dedications & Local news to the bedside.

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A Request for Original Material, for Publication on the Hospital Radio Web site, and as Programme content for Broadcast.

We would like to give local Authors, Photographers, Poets and other Island residents, the opportunity to have selected material used in programmes and web articles for hospital radio.

The sorts of work we are looking for is:-

  • Original Short Stories.
  • Original Poetry.
  • Seasonal Island Photos.
  • Nature notes and articles.
  • Historical Articles about Island People & Places.
  • Historical Articles about Island Organisations.
  • Information on Local Charities and Help Groups.

We cannot make any promises to use all material, but we will consider anything offered, for either editorial content in future programmes, and/or inclusion in the information/articles on this web site. Full credit and acknowledgment will be given. We will return all original material, and where possible, involve the author in the editing/production process.

In the first instance, contact me, Alex Blades, or email...


Designed by Alex Blades.

This document and site is maintained for The Isle of Wight Hospital Broadcasting Association (I.O.W.H.B.A).
Material & Photographic Copyright 2000-2003 © Alex Blades