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The Isle of Wight

Hospital Broadcasting Association.

Bringing Music, Dedications & Local news to the bedside.

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Hospital Radio's Annual Newtown Carol Service.

December 2001 ..... 26 Years of Christmas Broadcasting.

Recorded for broadcast to the patients in hospital at Christmas.

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One of the aims of our Hospital Radio has always been to keep our listeners 'in touch' with the outside world of our Island whilst they are in hospital. As well as studio programmes bringing news, views and opinions on local matters, we have also over the years bought outside broadcasts from around the Island to your bedside. These have included live shows from Medina Theatre and broadcasts from the Isle of Wight Agricultural Show, the Garlic Festival and many of the fetes and carnivals around the Island. And we have not forgotten our seafaring traditions, with reports from the River Police and Yarmouth Lifeboat out on the Solent.

Newtown Carol Service

The Reverend Gregory Clifton-Smith and congregation.

But the most enduring outside broadcast of them all is our Hospital Radio Christmas Service from Holy Trinity Church in Newtown, which has been broadcast every year since 1975.

 Neil and Dennis, our station engineer and station chairman, recording the Newtown Carol Service.

Pictured above, are Neil Friday {station engineer} and Dennis Chubb {chairman}, recording the annual event for broadcast to the patients.


Most of the credit for this wonderful record must go to Mrs Dorothy Smith, { pictured below } who lives in the hamlet. She has arranged this annual service for us for all of those twenty-six years. (It seems that vicars come and vicars go, but Dorothy goes on forever!) Although the service tells the same Christmas Story each year, Dorothy has somehow managed to keep it fresh every time.


The service itself is made up of readings and poetry by Hospital Radio and Guest presenters (Kenneth Kendal joined us for our 25th Anniversary Broadcast), with songs and hymns by well known Island soloists and choirs - including barbershop!. And as if organising this were not enough, Dorothy and her friends also put on a sumptuous Christmas tea for all the participants in the service!


Although many Hospital Radio presenters have attended these services over the years, only one can match Dorothy's record of attending every one. That presenter is Judy Gascoyne, { above } whose inspiring reading of poetry is always a highlight of the service.

Everyone in Hospital Radio give our thanks to Dorothy and the people of Newtown for supporting our Christmas Service for so long. And we all look forward to the next twenty-six years!

Newtown Carol Service

Adapted from article originally written by Pat Norris for the 2002 I.o.W Hospital Radio Magazine.



Designed by Alex Blades.

This document and site is maintained for The Isle of Wight Hospital Broadcasting Association (I.O.W.H.B.A).
Material & Photographic Copyright 2000-2002 © Alex Blades