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The Isle of Wight Hospital Broadcasting Association.

Presenter Profile.

Bringing Music, Dedications & Local news to the bedside.

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Rachel Hall

Rachel Hall

Friday I.o.W County Press News Programme.

8.45 till 9.00pm

Rachel reading the news.

I'm Rachel. Together with Alex Blades, I read articles from the Island's leading weekly Newspaper, hopefully encapturing our listeners with all the local news and Island events.

I have been involved now for just over two years, having lived almost all of my life here on this Island....... apart from some recent years when I have been fortunate enough to travel, and work part time in New Zealand.

I guess I know this Island very well, having lived as a child in Cowes, and my adult life around Niton, Ventnor and Shanklin. I was rather pressurised into having lessons in Speech and Drama as a child, but unlike other requirements including piano and dancing, I learned to respect and enjoy the involvement and participation of acting, and co-founded the Niton Drama Group when in my twenties, (now known as the Pepperpot Players.)

I have visited many interesting places, Desert Islands in the Pacific, spent time with native tribes, lost myself walking in the mountains in Southern Spain, and flown in a small two seater aeroplane my ex- husband constructed in our bedroom, hallway and loft. I owned a small Healthfood shop for nine years, worked as a secretary for various companies, and worked for a while in the Beehive in Wellington which was an interesting experience. I decided to qualify as a Podiatrist in 1992 and studied with SMAE.

Rachel Hall

I enjoyed a course for Radio Presentation while in New Zealand, and on returning home replied to an advertisement for new members with our local Hospital Radio.

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Contact us for more details.... UK 01983 534396

Designed by Alex

This document and site is maintained for The Isle of Wight Hospital Broadcasting Association (I.O.W.H.B.A).
Material & Photographic Copyright 2000-2001 © Alex Blades