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The Isle of Wight Hospital Broadcasting Association.

Presenter Profile.

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Bringing Music, Dedications & Local news to the bedside.

 Link Back to our Home page. Our Programme schedule.

Robert Mcmillan (Robbie Mac)

Robbie Mac

Thursday evenings: 'SPOONFULL OF SUGAR'

With co-presenter ~ Tel Pearson

8.30 till 9.00pm


Sunday evenings: 'SNIPPETS CORNER'

8.30 till 9.00pm

Produced by ~ Tel Pearson

Robert A. Macmillan (alias Robbie Mac) joined Isle of Wight Hospital Radio in 2000, and when asked why he should want to spend his precious spare time in a stuffy confined studio {we are planning upgrading your studio-station director!} lost in the realms of a bustling hospital campus, his answer is simple..... He loves Radio!

"Radio has been an integral part of my life for as long as I can remember The wartime years hunched over a crackly wireless with my mother... The fun I had with a crystal set and those chunky ill-fitting earphones... Later at boarding school tucked up in bed and surreptitiously listening to Radio Luxembourg (I'll never forget Horace Batchelor of Keynsham fame and his pools winning formula!)... And, delight of delights, my first car that came with an early inbuilt wireless and wiring everywhere!"

"Radio has brought me much: the VE Day Celebrations; ITMA, Dick Barton, Workers' Playtime and Have a Go (with Wilfred Pickles); the Queen's Coronation; Letter from America, Down your Way and the Goon Show; Test Match Special with John Arnott; the tragic death of John F. Kennedy, the moon landing and the unforgettable World Cup Football Final in 1966... The list is endless and memories abound."

"And now, courtesy of the Shipping Forecast and World Service, my radio is my companion during long wakeful nights... It stirs the imagination and stimulates the mind."

"It's the magic of radio."

Robbie Mac in His Studio... It's a nice studio.. honest!

"And through it, I like to help create that magic and, hopefully, so contribute to the pleasure of our listeners in St. Mary's. I do it, too, in memory of my mother who spent some time in the hospital and in gratitude to the staff who looked after her so well."

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Contact us for more details.... UK 01983 534396


Designed by Alex

This document and site is maintained for The Isle of Wight Hospital Broadcasting Association (I.O.W.H.B.A).
Material & Photographic Copyright 2000-2002 © Alex Blades